Intro: 16 Counts
Sec. 1: Weave right, side rock recover, cross, hold.
1-2-3-4Step right to right, left behind, right to right, cross left over right.
5-6Rock right to right, recover to left.
7-8Cross right over left, hold (12.00)
Sec 2: Weave left. side rock recover, cross, hold
1-2-3-4Step left to left, right behind, left to left. cross right over to left.
5-6Rock left to left, recover to right.
7-8Cross left over right, hold (12.00)
Sec 3: Rock recover, shuffle back, rock recover, shuffle forward.
1-2Rock forward right, recover to left.
3&4Step back right, left together, back right.
5-6Rock back left, recover to right.
7&8Step forward left, right together, forward left. (12.00)
Sec. 4: Walk around ½ left, rock forward recover, rock back recover.
1-2-3-4Walk around ½ turn left. stepping right,left, right,left.
5-6-7-8Rock forward right, recover to left. Rock back right. Recover to left (6.00)
Tags 2: End of wall 3 and wall 9 add four hip sways. R-L-R-L.
Restart: On wall 5 dance first 16 counts then restart facing 12.00
This can also be danced as a partner dance in the line in the shadow position.
Sec. 1: Weave right, side rock recover, cross, hold.
1-2-3-4Step right to right, left behind, right to right, cross left over right.
5-6Rock right to right, recover to left.
7-8Cross right over left, hold (12.00)
Sec 2: Weave left. side rock recover, cross, hold
1-2-3-4Step left to left, right behind, left to left. cross right over to left.
5-6Rock left to left, recover to right.
7-8Cross left over right, hold (12.00)
Sec 3: Rock recover, shuffle back, rock recover, shuffle forward.
1-2Rock forward right, recover to left.
3&4Step back right, left together, back right.
5-6Rock back left, recover to right.
7&8Step forward left, right together, forward left. (12.00)
Sec. 4: Walk around ½ left, rock forward recover, rock back recover.
1-2-3-4Walk around ½ turn left. stepping right,left, right,left.
5-6-7-8Rock forward right, recover to left. Rock back right. Recover to left (6.00)
Tags 2: End of wall 3 and wall 9 add four hip sways. R-L-R-L.
Restart: On wall 5 dance first 16 counts then restart facing 12.00
This can also be danced as a partner dance in the line in the shadow position.