#16 count intro.
Fwd rock, side rock, behind, side, cross, sweep, fwd touch, back sweep, lock step back
1&2&rock right over left, replace weight to left, rock right to right side, replace weight to left
3&4&step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, sweep left foot fwd
5&6&step onto left, tap right behind left heel, step back on right, sweep left foot back
7&8step back onto left, lock step right across left, step back left
Sweep, step, sweep, step, coaster step, shuffle fwd left, 1/4 turn cross
&1&2sweep back right, step onto right, sweep back left, step onto left
3&4step back right, close left to right, step fwd right
5&6shuffle fwd left, right, left
7&8step fwd right, turn 1/4 turn left, cross right over left
Side close forward, shuffle 1/4, step 1/4, diagonal, sailor step
1&2step left to left side, close right to left, step fwd left
3&4turning 1/4 turn left shuffle back right, left, right
5-6step left fwd 1/4 turn left, step right to right diagonal body angled to left diagonal
7&8rock left behind right, step out right, step out left
**RESTART HERE on walls 4 & 7 Changing counts 7&8 to 1/2 turn sailor step
Behind, side, cross, side, back rock, side, behind, side, forward, step, 1/2 turn touch, step
1&2&step right behind left, step left to left, step right over left, step left to left side
3&4rock back right, replace weight to left, step right to right side
5&6step left behind right, step right to right side, step fwd left
7&8step fwd right, turn 1/2 turn left touching left beside right, step fwd left
Begin Again.
RESTART with Step Change
On wall 4 (3:00) 1/2 turn the sailor step & restart facing 12:00
&wall 7 (6:00) Again 1/2 turn the sailor step & restart facing 3:00
Ending: On the last wall, ¼ turn the sailor step back to 12:00 for a perfect finish. -
Released at Dance Crazy's Wild Atlantic Weekend Event.
Fwd rock, side rock, behind, side, cross, sweep, fwd touch, back sweep, lock step back
1&2&rock right over left, replace weight to left, rock right to right side, replace weight to left
3&4&step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, sweep left foot fwd
5&6&step onto left, tap right behind left heel, step back on right, sweep left foot back
7&8step back onto left, lock step right across left, step back left
Sweep, step, sweep, step, coaster step, shuffle fwd left, 1/4 turn cross
&1&2sweep back right, step onto right, sweep back left, step onto left
3&4step back right, close left to right, step fwd right
5&6shuffle fwd left, right, left
7&8step fwd right, turn 1/4 turn left, cross right over left
Side close forward, shuffle 1/4, step 1/4, diagonal, sailor step
1&2step left to left side, close right to left, step fwd left
3&4turning 1/4 turn left shuffle back right, left, right
5-6step left fwd 1/4 turn left, step right to right diagonal body angled to left diagonal
7&8rock left behind right, step out right, step out left
**RESTART HERE on walls 4 & 7 Changing counts 7&8 to 1/2 turn sailor step
Behind, side, cross, side, back rock, side, behind, side, forward, step, 1/2 turn touch, step
1&2&step right behind left, step left to left, step right over left, step left to left side
3&4rock back right, replace weight to left, step right to right side
5&6step left behind right, step right to right side, step fwd left
7&8step fwd right, turn 1/2 turn left touching left beside right, step fwd left
Begin Again.
RESTART with Step Change
On wall 4 (3:00) 1/2 turn the sailor step & restart facing 12:00
&wall 7 (6:00) Again 1/2 turn the sailor step & restart facing 3:00
Ending: On the last wall, ¼ turn the sailor step back to 12:00 for a perfect finish. -
Released at Dance Crazy's Wild Atlantic Weekend Event.