CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Finish Line

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Nathan Gardiner (SCO) - November 2017
Finish Line - Rachel Laven
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Intro: 16 counts

S1: Dorothy R & L, Heel Switches, Step Pivot ½ R
1-2&Step R to R diagonal, Lock L behind R, Step forward slightly on R
3-4&Step L to L diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step forward slightly on L
5&6&Dig R heel forward, Step R next to L, Dig L heel forward, Step L next to R
7-8Step forward on R, Pivot ½ L

S2: Side R, Behind & Heel, Ball Cross, ¼ R, ¼ R, Cross Shuffle
1Step R to R side
2&3Step L behind R, Step R slightly to R side, Dig L heel to L diagonal
&4Step L next to R, Cross R over L
5-6¼ R stepping back on L, ¼ R stepping R to R side
7&8Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R

S3: Side Rock, Recover Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross
1-2Rock out to R side, Recover on L
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
5-6Rock out to L side, Recover on R
7&8Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R

S4: Chasse R, ¼ L Chasse, ¼ L Chasse R, Coaster Step
1&2Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
3&4¼ L stepping L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
5&6¼ L stepping R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
7&8Step back on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L

S5: Shuffle Forward R & L, Heel Switches, Step Pivot ½ L
1&2Step forward on R, Step L next to R, Step forward on R
3&4Step forward on L, Step R next to L, Step forward on L
5&6&Dig R heel forward, Step R next to L, Dig L heel forward, Step L next to R
7-8Step forward on R, Pivot ½ L

S6: Forward, ½ R, Coaster Step, Forward, ½ L, Shuffle ½ L
1-2Step forward on R, ½ R stepping back on L
3&4Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step forward on R
5-6Step forward on L, ½ L stepping back on R
7&8¼ L stepping L to L side, Step R next to L, ¼ L stepping forward on L

S7: Rock Forward, Recover, Point Back, ¼ R, Cross, Side R, Rock Back, Recover
1&2Rock forward on R, Recover on L
3-4Point R back, ¼ R (Weight ends on R)
5-6Cross L over R, Step R to R side
7-8Rock back on L, Recover on R

S8: ¼ L, ¼ L, Sailor Step, Behind, ¼ L, Step Pivot ½ L
1-2¼ L stepping forward on L, ¼ R stepping R to R side
3&4Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L to L side
5-6Step R behind L, ¼ L stepping forward on L
7-8Step forward on R, Pivot ½ L

S9: Rocking Chair
1-2Rock forward on R, Recover on L
3-4Rock back on R, Recover on L

Restart 1 : On wall 2 after 16 counts
Restart 2: On wall 4 after 64 counts


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