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Swish Swish

( 1 Stimmen)
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Phrased Advanced
Yumiko - November 2017
Swish Swish (feat. Nicki Minaj) - Katy Perry
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Sequence : ABA(28)ABAA(24)TAG1 CCBA TAG2 A(28) C
Intro: 24 seconds

PART A: 32 counts
A1. Kick ball Diagonal - Back recover. Revers
1&2&3&4&kick L diag,step L beside R, kick cross R diag,step R beside L, kick L diag,step Beside R, step R back, recover on L
5&6&7&8&kick R diag, step R beside L, kick cross L diag, step R beside L, kick L diag, step L Beside R, step L back, recover on R

A2. Samba whisk - 1/4 turn L - 1/2 turn L - 1/4 turn L - triple step
1 - 2&step L to L side, step R back, recover on L
3 - 4&step R to R side, step L back, recover on R
5 - 6turn 1/4 L step L forward, 1/2 turn L step R back
7 & 81/2 turn L step L, R, L (9:00)

A3. Skate Right, Left - chasse step . revers
1&2&Step R to side, touch L to R, step L to side, touch R to L
3&4&step R to side, close L to R, step R to R, touch L to R
5&6&step L to side, touch R to L, step L to side, touch L to R
7&8&step L to side, close R to L, step L to side, touch R to L

A4. Cross rock - 1/4 Turn L - body roll
1 & 2cross R over L, recover on L, step R to side
3 & 4cross L over R, recover on R,1/4 turn L step L forward (6:00)
5 - 6step R forward ,step L together
7 - 8body roll

PART B: 24 counts
B1.Step R sweep L - sailor cross - spiral - triple step forward - squaring 1/8 L - sway
1step R back sweeping L back
2 & 3cross L behind R,step R to side, cross L over R and full turn R (1:30)
4 & 5step R ,L, R forward
6 & 7step L,R back, squaring 1/8 left step L to side (12:00)
8 &sway R, L

B2. Turn 1/2 Right - Diamond - 1/2 turn Right - step forward
1 - 2&Turning 1/2 L Step R to side step L back behind R, recover on R (6:00)
3 - 4&step L back, step R, L back diag (7:30)
5 - 6&step R to side,step L, R forward (9:00)
7 - 8&step L forward 1/2 turn R (weight on L) step R,L forward (6:00)

B3. Jazz box forward - cross R hold - full turn L
1 - 4cross R over L, step L back, step R to side, step L forward
5 - 6cross R over L, hold
7 - 8full turn L (6:00)

PART C: 32 counts
C1. Step L swipe R hand - 1/4 turn R - hands movement - twist
1 - 2step L to side swipe R hand, 1/4 turn R step R forward
3 - 4step L to side and open R hand, open L hand
5 - 6cross hands down and bend feet twist heel out together, open your hands to side and Twist heels in together
7 & 8touch L to side, step L beside R, touch R to side

C2. Hitch touch -1/4 turn R - body snake - kick ball change - triple step forward
1 - 2Hitch R diag, touch R to side
3 - 4body snake, 1/4 turn R step L beside R
5 & 6kick R forward, step ball R beside L, step L in place
7 & 8step R forward , step L forward , step R close

C3. Moving hands up and down - 1/4 turn L, 1/2 turn R - pivot - hitch with body pump
1 & 2moving R hand fist up step R to side, moving L hand fist up R hand down, moving R hand Fist up L hand down
3 - 4keep feet in place and Twist 1/4 turn L, twist 1/2 turn R
5 - 6step L forward, 1/2 turn R forward
7&8&hitch L with body pump, step L forward ,hitch R with body pump,step L forward

C4. Diagonal step - step ball side - hold -Hip roll
1 - 2step L diag, step R beside L
3 - 4step R diag, step L beside R
&5 - 6step ball L to side,step R to side, Hold
7 - 8Hip roll

* Restart on wall 3 part A4 after 29 count do turn 1/4 L touch L beside R
1 & 2Cross R over L, recover on L, step R to side
3 & 4cross L over R, 1/4 turn L step L in place, touch L beside R

TAG 1 : on walls 7 and 12 part A3 after 27 count do step R ball (continue part C)
1&2&Step R to side, touch L to R, step L to side, touch R to L
3&4&step R to side, close L to R, step R to R, touch L to R
&step ball R beside L (continue part C)

TAG 2 : step out out, in, touch ( change wall)
1 - 2step R out, step L out
3 - 4step R in, touch L beside R

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Many Thanks to Mrs. Meta Lesmadi for a nice song

xiaofang December 12, 2017
B2. Turn 1/2 Right - Diamond - 1/2 turn Right - step forward
1 - 2&Turning 1/2 L Step R to side step L back behind R, recover on R (6:00)
3 - 4&step L back, step R, L back diag (7:30)
5 - 6&step R to side,step L, R forward (9:00)
7 - 8&step L forward 1/2 turn R (weight on L) step R,L forward (6:00)?3:00!

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