Absolute Beginner
Notes- can be a floor split to ‘ Melodia’ intermediate, by Tina Argyle and Kim Ray
[1-8] walk forward R, L, R. point L. Walk back L, R, L. Point R.
1234walk forward right , left, right, point left to left side.
5678walk back left, right, left, point right to right side.
[9-16] x2 Jazz boxes ¼ turn right (3.00)
1234cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side making 1/8 turn right, step left in place
5678repeat again finishing facing 3.00
[17-24] grapevine right touch, grapevine left touch.
1234step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch left beside right.
5678step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, touch right beside left.
[25-32] cross point, cross point, R rocking chair.
1234cross right over left, point left to left side, cross left over right, point right to right side
5678Rock forward on the right, recover onto left, rock back on the right, recover onto left.
Start the dance again :-)
[1-8] walk forward R, L, R. point L. Walk back L, R, L. Point R.
1234walk forward right , left, right, point left to left side.
5678walk back left, right, left, point right to right side.
[9-16] x2 Jazz boxes ¼ turn right (3.00)
1234cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side making 1/8 turn right, step left in place
5678repeat again finishing facing 3.00
[17-24] grapevine right touch, grapevine left touch.
1234step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch left beside right.
5678step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, touch right beside left.
[25-32] cross point, cross point, R rocking chair.
1234cross right over left, point left to left side, cross left over right, point right to right side
5678Rock forward on the right, recover onto left, rock back on the right, recover onto left.
Start the dance again :-)