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You Make Me Wanna Dance

( 3 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Wendy Johansson (CAN) - October 2017
Make a New Dance Up - Hey Ocean! : (iTunes)
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Sequence: AB Tag A*B AA- BBB
Intro: 4 cts drum / 32 Cts - start on lyrics - approx 17 sec into track.

A[1-8] Front Rock, Shuffle Back, Touch Turn, Point R, Hold .
1 2 3&4Rock forward on L, recover R. Shuffle back: back L, together R, back L.
5 6 7 8Touch R toe back, 1/2 turn R (to 6:00), touch R to side, Hold on '8.'

A[9-16] Syncopated Step Point 3x, 1/2 Turn & Swivel.
&1 2 &3 4Step back R, touch L to side, Hold '2.' Step back L, touch R to side, Hold '4.'
&5 6 7&8Step back R, touch L to side, step L forward, 1/2 turn to L stepping back on R (to 12:00), hip/heel swivel L & back center.
(Bridge on A*: Bridge happens here after 16 counts the 2nd time you dance 'A' - Skip cts 17-32.
(Restart on A-: Restart happens here after 16 counts the Last/4th time you dance 'A.'

A[17-24] Toe Strut L, Full Turn to L, Toe Strut R, 5/8 Paddle Turn to R 2x.
1 2 3 43/8 Turn L & Toe Strut L on diagonal (to 7:30), 1/2 turn 2x to L stepping R (to 1:30) and L (to 7:30). No turn opt: 2 walks instead.
5 6 7 8Toe Strut R, 5/8 Paddle Turn to R: Touch L toe to 7:30, then 10:30 (to face 3:00).

A[25-32] Syncopated Cross Shuffle with Scuff/Sweep, 1/4 Turn, 1/2 Touch Turn, Body Roll.
1 2 3 4Cross L over R, hold '2,' ball R to R side, cross L over R, scuff sweep R from back and around to front
5 6 7 8Cross R over L, R 1/4 turn onto L (to 6:00), touch R back, 1/2 turn R (to 12:00), body roll forward (head, shoulders, ribs).

Note: Counts 33-54 are the same as 1-24 only leading R foot instead of L
A[33-40] Front Rock, Shuffle Back, Touch Turn, Point R, Hold.
1 2 3&4Rock forward on R, recover L. Shuffle back: back R, together L, back R.
5 6 7 8Touch L toe back, 1/2 turn L (to 6:00), touch L to side, Hold on '8.'

A[41-48] Syncopated Step Point 3x, 1/2 Turn & Swivel.
&1 2 &3 4Step back L, touch R to side, Hold '2.' Step back R, touch L to side, Hold '4.'
&5 6 7&8Step back L, touch R to side, step R forward, 1/2 turn to R stepping back on L (to 12:00), hip/heel swivel R & back center.

A[49-56] Toe Strut R, Full Turn to R, Toe Strut L, 1/2 Paddle Turn to L 2x.
1 2 3 43/8 Turn R & Toe Strut L on diagonal (to 4:30), 1/2 turn 2x to R stepping L (to 10:30) and R (to 4:30).
5 6 7 8Toe Strut L, 1/2 Paddle Turn to L: Touch L toe to 4:30, then 1:30 (to face 10:30).

A[57-64] Big Step Back with Drag, Ball Step Step, Samba Style Full Paddle Turn.
1 2 &3 4Big step back R & drag L, hold '2.' Forward: ball L, step R, step L.
5&6&7&8&1/8 turn step on R (to 12:00), Samba paddle turn with bounce (1/4 Turn 4x): up on L to 10:30, down on R (to 3:00), up on L to 1:30, down on R (to 6:00), up on L to 4:30, down on R (to 9:00), ball L on the spot (squaring to 12:00).

B[1-8] Point Hold, 1/4 Turn L 2x, Step Tap, Toe & Heel.
1 2 3 4Touch R to side, hold '2' - R arm extended at shoulder/left hand to head. Step back on R with 1/4 Turn L (to 9:00), Step forward L 1/4 Turn L (to 6:00).
5 6 &7&8&Step R side & tap L with hip circle left to right - arms up/finger snap on '6.' Step L in 4:30), R touch beside L, back R, L heel front, step L.

B[9-16] Knee Open/Close, Ball Step, Hold, Ball Step, Hip Bump L 2x.
1 2 3 &4Knees Bent: Step R beside L, Open R knee to R (7:30 diag), Close L knee to R. Ball L (slightly back/on the spot)) step R (square to 9:00).
5 &6 7&8Hold '5', Ball L, step R forward. Step L to side bumping L hip: L, center, L.

B[17-24] 1/2 Turn R, Crossing Shuffle, Slide/drag, Ball Cross 2x.
1 2 3&4Step R to side, 1/2 pirouette R (to 3:00), Crossing shuffle: cross L over R, bring R behind L, cross L over R.
5 6 &7&8Big Step R, drag L & Hold '6.' Ball L, Cross R over L 2x to L side.

B[25-32] Side Together, Lambada. 2x (L & R Zig Zag diagonals).
1 2 3&41/8 Turn L & Step L to side (to 1:30), Step R beside L. Lambada: Step L to L side, Step R to R side, Step L to L side, Brush R to R side (down, down, up brush).
5 6 7&81/4 turn L & Step R to side (to 10:30), Step L beside R. Lambada: Step R to R side, Step L to L side, Step R to R side, Brush L to L side (down, down, up brush).

TAG: 16 COUNTS - only happens once after First 'AB'. Repeat last 8 cts of 'B' 2x in diamond shape.
T[1-8] Side Together, Lambada. 2x (L & R Zig Zag diagonals).
1 2 3&41/4 Turn L & Step L to side (to 7:30), Step R beside L. Lambada: Step L to L side, Step R to R side, Step L to L side, Brush R to R side (down, down, up brush).
5 6 7&81/4 Turn L & Step R to side (to 4:30), Step L beside R. Lambada: Step R to R side, Step L to L side, Step R to R side, Brush L to L side (down, down, up brush).

T[9-16] Side Together, Lambada. 2x (L & R Zig Zag diagonals).
1 2 3&41/4 Turn L & Step L to side (to 1:30), Step R beside L. Lambada: Step L to L side, Step R to R side, Step L to L side, Brush R to R side (down, down, up brush).
5 6 7&81/4 Turn L & Step R to side (to 10:30), Step L beside R. Lambada: Step R to R side, Step L to L side, Step R to R side, Brush L to L side (down, down, up brush). Ready to square up to 12:00 to start 'A' again.

Ending: Count 1 of Phrase 'B' - strike the pose and Hold! Ya Baby!


Dedicated to all the Beautiful Wonderful Line Dancers I've met and danced with since 2013 :) You Make Me Wanna Dance, You Make Me Wanna Move, - You Make Me Wanna Make A New Dance Up ^=^ xoxo
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