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Sarah Kemp (USA) - October 2017
#24c intro after “I’d rather be lucky than good” -
No Tags or Restarts

[1-8] (12:00)Rt- Toe In, Out, Kick, Back Coaster Step, Lt Toe In , Out, Kick.
1, 2, 3Rt toe touch in, Rt toe out, Kick Rt foot forward.
4&5Step back on Rt, Lt next to Rt, step Rt forward.
6, 7, 8Lt- toe touch in, Lt toe out, Kick Lt foot forward.

[9-16] (12:00) Hop back, forward, Side Rock Cross, Side Rock ¼ (03:00).
& 1-2Hop back on Lt (&) Bring Rt together (1) hold for 2
& 3-4Hop forward Lt(&), Rt next to Lt (3) hold for 4
5&6Step Rt to Rt, rock Lt behind Rt ,cross Rt over Lt
7&8Step Lt to Lt, (1/4 turn to 03:00) rock Rt behind Lt, step Lt forward

[17-24] (12:00)Walk R, L, Triple R-L-R, Rock, Replace, Triple L-R-L
1, 2(Weight is on the Lt) Walk forward R, L.
3&4Step Rt forward, step Lt foot to Rt heal, step Rt forward.
5, 6Rock forward on Lt replace weight to Rt.
7&8Step Lt back, step Rt foot to Lt, step Lt back.

[25-32] ¼(06:00) Side, Ball, Side, Rock Replace, Sailor Rt, Sailor Lt
1,2¼ turn stepping back on Rt (facing 06:00 for 1, hold for 2).
& 3,4(&) step Lt foot next to Rt foot, (3) Rock Rt foot to Rt side, Replace to Lt (4)
5&6Step Rt behind Lt, (&) step Lt foot next to Rt (2) step Rt foot to Rt side.
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, (&) step Rt foot next to Lt (2) step Lt foot to Lt side.


Please do not change or amend this step sheet in any way. All rights reserved, video rights of choreography to choreographer Sarah Kemp. If you would like to use this step sheet to Crash and Burn on your website you must keep it in the original format with this contact info attached. This song does not belong to me, belongs to Colt Ford (and Thomas Rhett) and this is only for instructional use only.

Formally Crash and Burn to (Song/Artist) Crash and Burn by Thomas Rhett. Due to popular request and availability this dance was modified for Lucky by colt ford.

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