CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Top of The Mountain

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Easy Intermediate
Jan Smith (UK) - September 2017
She's with Me - High Valley
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#16 count intro - Starts on vocals

Heel ball cross, heel ball cross, rock side recover, cross shuffle
1 & 2Touch right heel forwards, step right in place, cross left over right
3 & 4Touch right heel forwards, step right in place, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock right foot to right side, recover weight to left
7 & 8Cross shuffle stepping right over left, close left to right, step right over left

Heel ball cross, heel ball cross, rock side recover, cross shuffle
9 & 10Touch left heel forwards, step left in place, cross right over left
11 & 12Touch left heel forwards, step left in place, cross right over left
13 - 14Rock left foot to left side, recover weight to right
15 & 16Cross shuffle stepping left over right, close right to left, step left over right

Side behind 1/4 right shuffle, step pivot 1/2, left shuffle
17 – 18Step right to right side, cross left behind right
19 & 20Step right to right, close left to right, turn 1/4 right stepping forwards on right
21 - 22Step forwards on left foot, pivot 1/2 right (weight on right)
23 & 24Left shuffle forwards stepping left right left

Rock forward recover coaster step, Rock forward recover coaster step,
25 – 26Rock forwards on right foot, recover weight to left
27 & 28Coaster step, stepping back on right, step left by right, step forwards on right
29 – 30Rock forwards on left foot, recover weight to right
31 & 32Coaster step, stepping back on left, step right by left, step forwards on left

Rock side recover, cross shuffle, 1/4 right 1/4 right cross shuffle
33 - 34Rock right foot to right side, recover weight to left
35 & 36Cross shuffle stepping right over left, close left to right, step right over left
37 - 38turn 1/4 right stepping onto left foot, turn 1/4 right stepping onto right foot
39 & 40Cross shuffle, stepping left over right, close right to left, step left over right

Rock side recover, cross shuffle, 1/4 right 1/4 right cross shuffle
41 - 42Rock right foot to right side, recover weight to left
43 & 44Cross shuffle stepping right over left, close left to right, step right over left
45 - 46turn 1/4 right stepping onto left foot, turn 1/4 right stepping onto right foot
47 & 48Cross shuffle, stepping left over right, close right to left, step left over right

Rock side recover, behind side cross. Rock side recover, behind turn 1/4 right step forwards
49 – 50Rock right foot to right side, recover weight to left
51 & 52Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
53 – 54Rock left foot to left side, recover weight to right
55 & 56Step left behind right, turn 1/4 right onto right foot, step forward left ( restart here wall 4)

Rock forwards recover, touch back unwind 1/2 right, rock forwards recover, coaster step
57 – 58Rock forwards on right, recover weight to left
59 – 60touch right foot back, unwind 1/2 right bringing weight forwards onto right foot
61 – 62rock forwards on left foot, recover weight to right
63 & 64Coaster step, stepping back on left, step right by left, step forwards on left


After wall 1: 8 count Tag ,2 rocking chairs
1 – 4Rock forwards on right, recover weight to left, rock back on right, recover weight to left
5 – 8Rock forwards on right, recover weight to left, rock back on right, recover weight to left

Restart: facing back on wall 4 at count 57

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