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Look What You Made Me Do

( 1 Stimmen)
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Diana Liang (CN) - September 2017
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
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Intro: 16 counts - No Tag No Restart

A16, B32 - Sequence: A-A-B-A-A-B-B-A-A-A-B-A-A

A Dance
AS1: Cross Rf/Lf/Rf, Lf together, Rf side slide, Lf Cross, Rf Side, Lf Behind, ¼ RT Rf Forward, ½ Pivot RT
1 2Rf cross over on 1, Lf cross over on 2
3&4Rf cross over on 3, Lf close beside Rf, Rf big side slide
5 6Lf cross over on 5, Rf side on 6
7&8&Lf behind on 7, ¼ RT Rf forward on &, Lf forward on 8, ½ Pivot RT weight on Rf on &

AS2: Lf forward sweep Rf, Rf forward sweep Lf, Lf diagonal hip sway Left/right/left, Skate Rf/Lf, Dropping Lf knee in, recover on Lf, Repeat knee dropping / Recover
1 2Lf forward sweep Rf back to front on 1, Rf forward sweep Lf back to diagonal forward
3&4Hip sway to Left on 3, to Right on &, to Left on 4
5 6Rf Skate to right on 5, Lf skate to left on 6
7&8&Rf in place while dropping Lf knee in on 7, Recover on Lf on &, repeat 7 on 8, repeat & on &

B Dance
BS1: Rf cross, Lf side, Rf behind, Lf side, Rf cross chacha,
1 2 3 4Rf Cross on 1, Hold 2, Lf side on 3, Hold 4
5 6 7&8Rf behind on 5, Lf side on 6, Rf cross on 7 Lf side on &, Rf cross on 8

BS2: Lf rock side/ recover with flick, Lf cross, Rf side, Lf behind, Rf side, Lf cross chacha
1 2 3 4Lf Rock side on 1, Recover on Rf with Lf flick on 2, Lf cross on 3, Rf side on 4
5 6 7&8Lf behind on 5, Rf side on 6, Lf cross on 7, Rf side on &, Lf cross on 8

BS3: Rf Rock Side, Rocking Chair, Rf jump forward with Lf flick, Lf forward
1 2Rf rock side on 1, recover on Lf on 2,
3 4 5 6Rf rock forward on 3, recover on Lf on 4, Rf rock back on 5, recover on Lf on 6
7 8Rf jump forward while Lf flick on 7, Lf forward on 8

BS4: ¼ Pivot LT, Rf Rock Back/recover, Rf Rocking chair
1 2Rf forward on 1, ¼ LT weigh on Lf on 2
3 4Rf rock back on 3 (may styling with a check) on 3, recover on Lf on 4
5 6 7 8Rf rock forward on 5, recover on Lf on 6, repeat 3 on 7, repeat 4 on 8
Just follow the sequence and music till the end.

Thanks and enjoy!


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