CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Mama Don't Stress

( 10 Stimmen)
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Gemma Ridyard (UK) & Lyn Ridyard (UK) - June 2017
Mama by Jonas Blue
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(Dance 4 walls of 64 counts; on wall 5 - facing 12:00, dance from counts 33-64)

S1: Monterey ½ turn R, side rock cross, ¼ ½, ¼ C shape hip bump
1-2Point R toe to R side, make ½ turn R close RF next to LF
3&4Rock LF to L side, replace weight onto RF, cross LF over RF
5-6make a ¼ L step back on RF, make ½ turn L stepping LF forward
7&8make a ¼ turn left as you bump R hip up, bump weight back to LF, make a ¼ turn left as you bump R hip down (3:00)

S2: Walk walk lock, 2 x bounce unwind ¾ L, house tap ½ turn (monteray ½ turn)
1 2&Step LF forward, step RF forward, lock LF behind RF on toes
3-4unwinding ¾ turn L bouncing heels twice (6:00)
5-6press ball of RF to R side, make a ½ turn R closing RF to LF
7-8press ball of LF to L side, close LF next to RF

S3: Step RF out cross hands over chest, open both hands to shoulders, bend both knees hands drop to R knee, L heel flick X2, L sailor ½ turn
1&2step RF to R side angling body to 11:30 bring R hand to L shoulder & L hand to R shoulder, angling body to 1:30 bring R hand to R shoulder bring L hand to L shoulder, bend both knees
3-4start to straighten both knees as you pop chest, bend both knees ( Rise & Drop)
5&6Flick L heel to L side, flick L heel in towards RF, flick L heel out
7&8making ½ turn L crossing LF behind RF, step RF to R side, cross LF over RF

S4: Step touch, step touch, out out in in, walk back with knee pops
1-2step RF to R side, touch LF next to RF (both arms stretched forward, draw left hand into shoulder)
3-4step LF to L side, touch RF next to LF (both arms stretched forward, bend R elbow take R fist behind head)
5&6&step R Heel out to R side, step L Heel out to L side, step RF in, step LF next to RF
7-8step RF back popping L knee forward, step LF back popping R knee forward
(Start wall 5 from here facing 12:00)

S5: 1/8 Walk 1/8 walk , ¼ shuffle, 1/8 Walk 1/8 walk, ½ shuffle
1-2make 1/8 turn R step RF forward, make 1/8 turn R step LF forward
3&4make a ¼ turn R step RF forward, close LF next to RF, step RF forward
5-6make 1/8 turn R step LF forward, make 1/8 turn R step RF forward
7&8make a ½ turn L step LF back, step RF next to LF , step LF back

S6: Back sweep x2, sailor ¼ cross, ball cross hold, walk side cross
1-2Step RF back sweeping LF from front to back, step LF back sweeping RF from front to back
3&4making a ¼ turn R cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, cross RF over LF
&56step ball of LF to L side, cross RF over LF, hold
7-8step LF to L side, cross RF over LF (pop chest as you push hands forward)

S7: Syncopated side rocks, sailor ½ turn R, LF forward rock
1 2&Rock LF to L side, replace weight onto RF, close LF next to RF
3-4Rock RF to R side, replace weight onto LF
5&6making ½ turn R crossing RF behind LF, step LF to L side, step RF to R side
7-8rock LF forward, replace weight onto RF

S8: Swivel walks back X2, coaster step, point & point & point touch hitch
1-2step back on LF swivelling RF, step back on RF swivelling LF
3&4step back on LF, close RF next to LF, step LF forward
5&6&point RF to R side, close RF next to LF, point LF to L side, close LF next to RF
7&8point RF to R side, touch R toe next to LF, hitch R knee forward

JoanNC June 16, 2017
Love the music and choreography great dance :-)

Gembles June 16, 2017
thank you, really pleased you like it xx

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