CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dirt Road Disco

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Low Intermediate
Darcie DeAngelis (USA) - June 2017
Dirt Road Disco - Colt Ford
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Count in: 64 count intro - Pattern: Wall 1, Tag, 2, 3, 4, Tag, 5, 6, Tag, 7,8, 9

(1-8) R Heel, L Heel, Cross Side Heel, Step, Cross Side Heel, Ball Step Forward, 1/4 Turn L
1&2&Touch R heel forward (1) Step R next to L (&) Touch L heel forward (2) Step L next to R (&)
3&4&Cross R over L (3) Step L to L (&) Touch R heel to R (4) Step R next to L (&)
5&6Cross L over R (5) Step R to R (&) Touch L heel to L (6)
&7 8Step L next to R (&) Step R forward (7) Make 1/4 turn L, weight ending L (8)

(9-16) Funky Pimp Walk R L (alternative: Heel Drops R L), R Touch Side Step R with Arms, L Touch Side Step with Arms
1&2&Kick R forward (1) Step R forward (&) Keeping weight in heels, swivel R toes to R (2) Replace R to neutral position (&)
3&4&Kick L forward (3) Step L forward (&) Keeping weight in heels, swivel L toes to L (4) Replace L to neutral position (&)
**alternative: Heel Drop-place R heel down (1) step down on R (2) Place L heel down (3) step down on L (4)**
5 6Touch R next to L, raising both arms straight up (5) Leading with R hip, step R to R, lowering both arms (6)
7 8Touch L next to R, raising both arms straight up (7) Leading with L hip, step L to L, lowering both arms (8)

(17-24) Cross Rock Recover, Side Triple, Toe Touch Back, 1/2 Turn, Forward Triple
1 2Rock R across L (1) Recover L (2)
3&4Step R to R (3) Step L next to R (&) Step R to R (4)
5 6Touch L toe back (5) Making 1/2 turn L, step down on L (6)
7&8Step R forward (7) Step L next to R (&) Step R forward (8)

(25-32) Cross Back Side, Cross Back Side, Kick Ball Cross, Unwind 1/2
1 2&Cross L over R (1) Step R back (2) Step L to L (&)
3 4 5Cross R over L (3) Step L back (4) Step R to R (5)
6&7Kick L to L diagonal (6) Step down on ball of L (&) Cross R over L (7)
8Unwind 1/2 turn L (8)

Tag: 16 counts
(T1-8) Hip Bump L with Arms, Hip Bump R with Arms
1 2 3 4Bump hips to L, shifting weight to L over 4 counts while making “hitch hiking” movement with L thumb and arm (1,2,3,4)
5 6 7 8Bump hips to R, shifting weight to R over 4 counts while making “hitch hiking” movement with R thumb and arm (5,6,7,8)

(T9-16) Hip Scoop L R, Ball Step, 1/2 1/2, Stomp R L
1 2Bending knees, dip hips down and sway L (1) Bending knees, dip hips down and sway R (2)
&3 4Step ball of L center (&) Step R forward (3) Make 1/2 turn L, weight to L (4)
5 6Step R forward (5) Make 1/2 turn L, weight to L (6)
7 8Step R next to L (7) Step L in place (8)

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