CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Making Memories

( 3 Stimmen)
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Gemma Ridyard (UK) & Lyn Ridyard (UK) - May 2017
Caribbean Feeling - Nathan Carter
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The Dance has 3 Restarts & 1 Easy Tag.

Out in out, behind ¼ forward, step ½ step, run run run
1&2Point R toe out to R side, touch R toe next to LF, point R toe to R side
3&4cross RF behind LF, make a ¼ turn L step LF forward, step RF forward
5&6step LF forward, pivot ½ turn R, step LF forward
7&8step RF forward, step LF forward, step RF forward

Side rock L, behind side infront, point & point, heel & heel
1-2rock LF to L side, Replace weight to RF
3&4cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side, cross LF over RF
5&6point RF to R side, step RF next to LF, point LF to L side
&7&8&Step LF next to RF, dig R heel forward, step RF next to LF, dig L heel forward, step LF next to RF

Heel hook, Heel Flick, scuff ball heel, Hitch, L forward rock, triple full turn
1&2&Dig R heel forward, hook RF in front of L shin, dig R heel forward, flick RF back
3&4Scuff RF forward, step the ball on the RF next to LF, fig L heel forward
&5-6Hitch up the left knee, Rock LF forward, replace weight to RF
7&8turn a ½ turn L step LF forward, turn a ¼ turn L step RF next to LF, turn a ¼ turn L step LF forward
(Restart occurs here on walls 3,6,7 replace the triple full turn with a triple ¾ turn L)

R forward rhumba box, L back rhumba box, back touch, back touch, ¼ touch side touch
1&2step RF to R side, close LF to RF, step RF forward
3&4step LF to L side, close RF next to LF, step LF back
5&6&step RF to R side, touch LF next to RF, step LF to L side, touch RF next to LF
7&8&Make a ¼ turn R step RF to R side, touch LF next to RF, step LF to L side, touch RF next to LF

Tag at the end of wall: 5
1-2Sway hips R, sway hips L
3-4Sway hips R, sway hips L

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