CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Move it Move it

( 1 Stimmen)
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John Sandham (ES) - April 2017
Move It - Cliff Richard : (Album: Just Fabulous)
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sec 1. Walk fwd 2 3 Touch Back 2 3 Touch
1234Walk fwd on right-left-right-touch left next to right.
5678Walk Back on Left-right-left-touch right next to left.

sec 2. Rt step slide step touch Lt step slide 1/4 turn step.
1-2Step right to side-slide left up to right-step
3-4Step right to side-Touch left next to right.
5-6Step left to side-slide right next to left
7-8step left 1/4 to left-step right next to left.

(At the end of the above add the following Tags )
*End of wall 1. (9 0clock) Add First Tag
Fan Right 2 3 4 Fan Lt 2 3 4
1-2-3-4Fan your toe to the Right-Centre-Right-Centre. (Weight on Heel)
5-6-7-8Repeat with Left Toe!
**End of wall 2. (6 o’clock|) add 2nd tag
Rt side tog side tog-Lt side tog side tog.
1-2-3-4touch right toe to the side-return-side-return
5-6-7-8repeat with left toe.
***End of wall 3. ( 3 o’clock) add 3rd Tag
Rt heel Lt heel Rt heel Lt heel.
1-2touch Rt heel forward-step Rt foot beside Lt
3-4Touch Lt heel forward-step Lt foot beside rt.
5-6-7-8Repeat step 1-4
****End of wall 4 (12 o’clock) Add 4th Tag
Split Heels Rt Side Lt Side Split Toes
1-2Split both heels apart-Bring both heels together
3-4touch Right toe to side-Step right foot next to left
5-6Touch Left toe to side- Step left foot next to right
7-8Split both toes Apart-Bring both toes together.
Repeat throughout the dance; i.e. Tag 1 the toe fans will always be at 9 o’clock


Jill M April 27, 2017
Great Beginners dance and easy to learn

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