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Out Of Reach

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William Sevone (UK) - March 2017
Out of Reach - Gabrielle : (Album: Greatest Hits - iTunes Amazon)
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Dance Sequence:- 48-32-48-32-48-32-32

Choreographers note:- This Rumba dance starts on the 2nd beat of music . The 1st beat being the preparatory step (which is optional for Linedancers but has been included to assist the Instructor and dancer if required).
The short walls coincide with the Chorus and always lead to the next directional Wall.
It’s a Rumba – use your hips.Ideally suited for the Advanced Beginner who has just moved up to the next level.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts (with weight on right foot) on the word ‘the’ as in ‘‘Knew the signs..’

Optional Prep Step:
(with weight on left foot and right toe slightly to right side) Step down onto right foot on the very first word - ‘Knew’ as in ‘Knew the signs..’

S1: Fwd. Recover. Side. Hold. Back. Recover. Side. Hold (12:00)
1 – 4Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right, Step left to left side. Hold.
5 – 8Rock backward onto right. Recover onto left. Step right to right side. Hold.

S2: 2x Crossing Lock-Step. Hold (12:00)
9 – 12body facing 12 - Step left diagonally forward right (1.30) - toe point 12. Step forward & lock right across back of left. Step forward onto left. Hold.
13 – 16body facing 12 – Step right diagonally forward left (10.30) – toe point 12. Step forward & lock left across back of right. Step forward onto right. Hold.

S3: New York. New York with 1/2 Side Lead Out (3:00)
17 – 20Turn ¼ right (3) & rock forward onto left. Recover onto right. Turn ¼ left (12) & step left next to right. Hold.
21 – 24Turn ¼ left (9) & rock forward onto right. Recover onto left. Turn ½ right & step right next to left. Hold.

S4: Cross. Side. Behind. Hold. Side. Together. Diagonal Cross. Hold (3:00)
25 – 28Cross left over right. Step right to right side. Step left behind right. Hold.
29 – 32Step right to right side. Step left next to right. Step right diagonally forward left. Hold.
SHORT WALLS: WALLS 2, 4 and 6: Restart dance from count 1 facing a new directional wall

S5: Rock. Recover. 1/2. Hold. Side. 3/4 Forward. 2x Body Roll/Sway (12:00)
33 – 36Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right. Turn ½ left (9) & step forward onto left. Hold
37 – 40Step right to right side. Turn ¾ left (12) & step forward onto left. Step right to right side with a body roll/sway. Body roll/sway onto left.

S6: 1/4 Rock Back. Recover. Side. Hold. Rock Back. Recover. Side. Weight Change (3:00)
41 – 44Turn ¼ right & rock backward onto right. Recover onto left. Step right to right side. Hold.
45 – 48Rock backward onto left. Recover onto right. Step left to left side. Change weight to right.

DANCE FINISH: Count 32 of Wall 7. To end facing the home wall, replace counts 29-32 with the following
29 – 32Turn ¼ right (12) & step forward onto right. Step forward onto left.
Step forward onto right and hold position (with left heel raised).

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