CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Make You Vine

( 2 Stimmen)
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Low Intermediate
Camille Sheardown (USA) - March 2017
Make You Mine - High Valley
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Intro: 16 Counts (Start on Lyrics)

[1-8] Right Point, Left Point, Right Heel, Left Heel, Rock Recover, Triple Back
1&2&Touch right toe to right side & step together, touch left toe to left side and step together
3&4&Tap right heel forward & step together, tap left heel forward & step together
5-6Rock forward onto right, recover back on left
7&8Step back on right, step back on left beside right toe, step back on right

[9-16] ½ Turn Triple L, ¼ turn L Grapevine, Step Left, Slide
1&2Step back on left turning ¼ turn left, step right together, Step back on left turning ¼ turn left (6:00)
3-4¼ turn left stepping on right to right side, step left behind right (3:00)
5-6Step out on right to right, touch left beside right
7-8Step out on left to left, dragging right toe towards left food

[17-24] Sailor Steps, Rocking Chair
1&2Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right
3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
(Restart here on Walls 4 & 11)
5-6Rock forward on right, recover back on left
7-8Rock back on right, recover forward on left

[25-32] Step ¼ turn L, Vine, Stomp 2x
1-2Step forward on right, ¼ turn left onto left (12:00)
3-4Step right across left, step left to left
5-6Step right behind left, step left to left
7-8Stomp right foot, Stomp right foot

[Tag: 1-4] Right Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe
1-2Right heel tap forward, right to tab back
3-4Right heel tap forward, right to tab back

Tag 3x , 2 re-starts (But don’t be afraid, the Tag is only 4 counts!)

Sequence : Dance 3x, Tag, Restart after 20 counts, Dance 2x, Tag, Dance 2x, Tag, Dance 2x, Restart after 20 counts, Dance ‘til the end

After first Restart, new wall of dance will be the 3 o’clock wall, and after the second Restart, new wall of dance is the 6 o’clock wall.


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