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Your Love Make Me Feel Like

( 17 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Katie Terrett (WLS) - February 2017
Your Love - Little Mix : (Album: 'Glory Days' Little Mix)
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Sequence – AB AB A Tag BA
Intro – 16 Counts. Start on vocals

PART A – 32 Counts
SECTION A1: Lock Steps Forward. Turn 1/2. Lock Steps Forward
1-2Step R forward, Lock L behind R,
3&4Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward.
5-6Turn 1/2 L. Step L forward, Lock R behind L,
7&8Step L forward, Lock R, Step L forward.

SECTION A2: Modified Jazz Box-Turn 1/4 Point, Cross Point, Cross unwind 1/2 Turn
1-2Cross R over L, step L back
&3-4Turn 1/4 R stepping R to side, Cross L. Point R to side
5-6Cross R. Point L to side
7-8Cross L unwind 1/2 Turn R

SECTION A3: Back Rock, Side, Behind Side Cross & Cross, Turn 1/4. Step 1/2 Turn
1&2Back Rock R, recover L (&) Step R to side.
3&4Behind L, Side R, Cross L
&5-6Step ball of R next to L (&) Cross L. Turn 1/4 R stepping forward R.
7-8Step L ½ Turn R.

SECTION A4: Forward Shuffle. Full Turn. Forward Mambo Rock, Coaster Step
1&2Left shuffle forward stepping L,R,L.
3-4Turn 1/2 back R, Turn 1/2 forward L
5&6Rock R forward, recover on L, Step back R
7&8L Coaster step (step L back, R together, fwd L)

PART B – 48 Counts
SECTION B1: Weave R, Weave L, Cross Rocks x2
1&2Cross R, Side L, Behind R
3&4Step L Behind R, Side R, Cross L
5&6Hitching R Cross Rock R over L (facing diagonal L) recover L, step R
7&8Hitching L Cross Rock L over R (facing diagonal R) recover R, step L

SECTION B2: Ball Step Turn1/4 (x2) Side Rock & Cross (x2) Step 1/2 Turn
&1Step ball of R next to L, Turn 1/4 L stepping L forward
&2Step ball of R next to L, Turn 1/4 L stepping L forward
3&4Side Rock R, recover L (&) Cross R
5&6Side Rock L, recover R (&) Cross L
7-8Step R ½ Turn L.

SECTION B3: Jump Out - Out, Turn 1/4 Side, Together, Turn 1/4 Forward
&1-2Jump forward out R, out L (Spread arms out to the side) Vocals 'Oh'
3&4Turn 1/4 L stepping R to Rside, together L next to R, Turn 1/4 R stepping forward
&5-6Jump forward out L, out R (Spread arms out to the side)
7&8Turn 1/4 R stepping L to L side, together R next to L,Turn 1/4 L stepping forward

SECTION B4: Turn 1/4 jump Out - Out, Forward Mambo, Back Mambo, Step Turn 1/2 Step
&1-2Turn 1/4 L, Jump out R, out L (Spread arms out to the side)
3&4Rock R forward, recover L, step R back
5&6Back Rock L, recover R, step L forward
7&8Step R ½ Turn L. Step Forward R.

SECTION B5: Slide, Turn 1/4 Chasse, Turn 1/4 Hitch Slide, 1/4 Chasse
1-2Slide large step to L side
3&4Turn 1/4 R Chasse (side R, close L, side R)
5-6Turn 1/4 R hitching L, Slide large step to L side
7&8Turn 1/4 R Chasse (side R, close L, side R)

SECTION B6: Turn 1/4 Hitch Slide, Back Rock, Side, Behind Sweep, Behind Sweep, Sailor 1/2 Turn
1-2Turn 1/4 R hitching L, Slide large step to L side
3&4Back Rock R, recover L (&) Step R to side.
&5-6Step L behind R (&) Sweep R around L. Step R behind L, Sweeping L into....
7&8L Sailor 1/2 Turn L Step.

TAG – During Wall 3. After Part A. Facing Back Wall on vocals 'Woah' 16 Counts
1-3Slide large step to R side
4&5Back Rock L, recover R (&) Step L to side.
6&7Weave L – behind R, side L, cross R
&8&Side L, behind R, Turn 1/4 L.

1-2Step R ½ Turn L.
3-4Side Rock R, recover L
5-6Step R Out. Step L Out (Arm movements up to the same side as feet)
7-8Step R in. Touch L next to R Vocals 'Put 'em up, Put 'em up' (only on count 5-6)

Repeat Tag- opposite direction L
1-3Slide large step to L side
4&5Back Rock R, recover L (&) Step R to side.
6&7Weave R – behind L, side R, cross L
&8&Side R, behind L, Turn 1/4 R.

1-2Step L ½ Turn R.
3-4Side Rock L, recover R
5-6Step L Out. Step R Out (Arm movements up to the same side as feet)
7-8Step L in. Touch R next to L Vocals 'Put 'em up. Put 'em up' (only on count 5-6)
(Continue Part B after the Tag)

ENDING: L Coaster Turn 1/4 L Crossing L. Slide R (Facing Front)

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Pops* February 11, 2017
Great Dance!! Steps fit to the catchy music. I especially like the out out steps to the 'Oh's' & the mambo step to the 'dirty dancing' like the film. Cleverly choreographed. Easy to understand the script. I highly recommend dancing 'Your Love Make Me Feel Like' don't let the AB script put you off! Not to be missed. I think this dance will do very well! I really love this dance. My new Feb Fav!

Jasmine13 February 11, 2017
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed dancing my dance :)

Dorothy Diamanté February 13, 2017
Lovely dance to lovely music. Recommended. A****

Jemima Jewel February 15, 2017
Excellent! Well received by my class. I highly recommend giving this dance a go. Well done KT!

Poochie Panini February 4, 2025
Love this Dance 5*****

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