Improver - Smooth Rolling Count
Intro: 0 counts. Dance starts when the music starts.
S1: Rock Sweep. Behind Side Cross Sway. Sway . Recover 1/4. Rock Sweep.
1 2Cross rock R slightly over L (1). Recover onto L sweeping R from front to back (2). 12:00
3&a4Step R behind L (3), Step L to Left side (&), Cross R over L (a), Step L to Left side and sway body to Left. Weight on L (4). 12:00
5 6Step R to Right side and sway body to Right. Weight on R. (5). Make a 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on L as you recover weight on to L (6). 9:00
7 8Cross rock R slightly over L (7). Recover onto L sweeping R from front to back (8). 9:00
S2: Sailorstep Sweep. Sailorstep Sweep. Back Rock . Full Turn. Step Turn 1/2.
1&a2Cross R behind L (1), Step L next to R (&), Step R to Right side (a), cross L behind R as you sweep R from front to back (2). 9:00
(Make this steps slightly travelling backwards.)
3&a4Cross R behind L (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R to Right side (a), cross L behind R as you sweep R from front to back (4). 9:00
(Make this steps slightly travelling backwards.)
5 6Rock Back on R (5). Recover onto L (6). 9:00
a7Make a 1/2 turn Left taking a small step back on R (almost on the spot) (a), 3:00 Make a 1/2 turn Left taking a small step forward on L (7). 9:00
(Easier non turning option: R ballstep)
a8Take a small step forward on R (a), Pivot 1/2 turn Left, weight on L (8). 3:00
End of dance - Ready to start again!
(Choreographers note: This dance was made for introducing dancers into to their first smooth rolling eight rhythm style of dance. It also works great as an easier floorsplit to most of the intermediate rolling count dances.)
S1: Rock Sweep. Behind Side Cross Sway. Sway . Recover 1/4. Rock Sweep.
1 2Cross rock R slightly over L (1). Recover onto L sweeping R from front to back (2). 12:00
3&a4Step R behind L (3), Step L to Left side (&), Cross R over L (a), Step L to Left side and sway body to Left. Weight on L (4). 12:00
5 6Step R to Right side and sway body to Right. Weight on R. (5). Make a 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on L as you recover weight on to L (6). 9:00
7 8Cross rock R slightly over L (7). Recover onto L sweeping R from front to back (8). 9:00
S2: Sailorstep Sweep. Sailorstep Sweep. Back Rock . Full Turn. Step Turn 1/2.
1&a2Cross R behind L (1), Step L next to R (&), Step R to Right side (a), cross L behind R as you sweep R from front to back (2). 9:00
(Make this steps slightly travelling backwards.)
3&a4Cross R behind L (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R to Right side (a), cross L behind R as you sweep R from front to back (4). 9:00
(Make this steps slightly travelling backwards.)
5 6Rock Back on R (5). Recover onto L (6). 9:00
a7Make a 1/2 turn Left taking a small step back on R (almost on the spot) (a), 3:00 Make a 1/2 turn Left taking a small step forward on L (7). 9:00
(Easier non turning option: R ballstep)
a8Take a small step forward on R (a), Pivot 1/2 turn Left, weight on L (8). 3:00
End of dance - Ready to start again!
(Choreographers note: This dance was made for introducing dancers into to their first smooth rolling eight rhythm style of dance. It also works great as an easier floorsplit to most of the intermediate rolling count dances.)