Vine Right and Left with Claps
1-4Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch left (clap)
5-8Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, touch right (clap)
Right Heel Forward & Back, Left Heel Forward & Back, Swivels
1-4Tap right heel forward (clap), bring it back, tap left heel forward (clap), bring it back
5-8Swivel both heels right, left, right, center
Two toe taps, Two Kicks, Step Back & Hitch, Step left, hook Right
1-4Tap right toe forward twice, kick right foot forward twice
5-8Step back on right, hitch left, step on left & hook right over left
K Step with ¼ Turn to your Left
1-2Step forward diagonally on right, touch left next to right, and clap
3-4Step back diagonally on left, touch right next to left & clap
5-6Step back diagonally on right, touch left next to right & clap
7-8Step forward diagonally on left making a ¼ turn left, touch right next to left
Repeat dance…
Sue George: E-Mail-
1-4Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch left (clap)
5-8Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, touch right (clap)
Right Heel Forward & Back, Left Heel Forward & Back, Swivels
1-4Tap right heel forward (clap), bring it back, tap left heel forward (clap), bring it back
5-8Swivel both heels right, left, right, center
Two toe taps, Two Kicks, Step Back & Hitch, Step left, hook Right
1-4Tap right toe forward twice, kick right foot forward twice
5-8Step back on right, hitch left, step on left & hook right over left
K Step with ¼ Turn to your Left
1-2Step forward diagonally on right, touch left next to right, and clap
3-4Step back diagonally on left, touch right next to left & clap
5-6Step back diagonally on right, touch left next to right & clap
7-8Step forward diagonally on left making a ¼ turn left, touch right next to left
Repeat dance…
Sue George: E-Mail-