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Juno, All I Want Is You

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Magnus Gustafsson (SWE) - July 2008
All I Want Is You - Barry Louis Polisar : (Sound track from the movie Juno)
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Dance starts after 19 counts

Charleston step, modified charleston, Hook,Heel, Hook, shuffle
1-2Point right forward, step right back
3&4Point left back, Hitch left knee, Touch left heel forward
5-6Hook Left over right, touch Left heel forward
&7&8Hook left over right, Step left forward, step right next to left , step left forward

Walk*2 , chasse , Rock ,1/4 left shuffle
1-2Walk right, walk left
3&4Right to right side , Step left next to right, Step right to right side
5-6Rock left back, recover on right
7&8Turn 1/4 left and step left forward, Step right next to left, step left forward
Restart on wall 3,6 and 7 here!
Ending on wall 8=jump to count 28
*3 bonus counts, Modified charleston
1-3&Point right forward, Step back on right, Point left back, Hitch left knee

Shuffle, Walk*2, Out ,Out, In, Chasse
1&2Step left forward, Step right next to left, Step left forward
3-4Step right forward, Step Left forward
5&6Step right to right side, step left to left side, Step right next to left
7&8Step left to left side, Step right next to left, Step left to left side

Point, hold, step, point,step, point, touch, 1/4 right Step,step , side, sailorturn
(ending starts here)
1-2Point right to right side, Hold
&3&4Step right next to left, Point left to left side, Step left next to right, Point right to right side
&5-6Touch right next to left, Turn 1/4 right and step right forward, Step left next to right
&7&8Step right to right side, Cross left behinde right, Step right to right side, Turn 1/4 left and step left forward
Restart on wall 4 and 5 here!
*3 bonus counts , Modified charleston
1-3Point right forward, Rock right back, Recover on left

End of dance !

But dont forget the Restarts :)
Restart on wall 3 after 16 counts
Restart on wall 4 after 35 counts
Restart on wall 5 after 35 counts
Restart on wall 6 after 16 counts
Restart on wall 7 after 16 counts

Ending = after 16 counts on wall 8 jump to count 28 (Point, hold, step, point,step, point, touch, 1/4 right Step,step , side, sailorturn) Ending the dance by turning the sailorturn 1/2 (You will be facing the front wall :) )


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