CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Deja Que Te Bese

( 15 Stimmen)
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Phrased Novice
Pep Soler (ES) & Paqui Lebrón - November 2016
Deja Que Te Bese (feat. Marc Anthony) - Alejandro Sanz
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Sequence: AA TAG BB C AA BB CC A
Start the dance after count 32

PART A: 32 counts
A[1-8] Rock forward right,Saylor step(full turn),Rock forward left, saylor step (full turn)
1 - 2 -rock forward right, recover to left
3 & 4 -cross righrt behind left, step left to left side, step forward right ( full turn )
5 -6 -rock forward left, recover to right
7 & 8 -cross left behind right, step right to right, step forward left ( full turn )

A[9-16] Syncopated vine right ¬¬and cross left, rock right side, recover, cross right x 2
1 - 2 -step right to right, step left behind right
& 3- 4 -step right to right, step cross left over right, rock step to right
5 - 6 -recover to left, cross right to left side
7 - 8 -step left to left, cross right foot to left

A[17-24] Syncopated vine left and cross right, rock left side, recover , cross left x 2
1 - 2 -step left to left , step right behind left
& 3- 4-step left to left, step cross right over left, rock step to left
5 - 6 -recover to right, cross left to right side
7 -8 -step right to right, cross left foot to right

A[25-32] Mambo step forward right , left coaster step, step right, step left, step turn 1/2
1 & 2 -Step right forward, recover to left,step riht beside to left foot
3 & 4 -step left backward, step right back beside to left foot, step left forward
5 - 6 -step right forward, step left forward
7 - 8 -step right forward, 1/2 step turn left and put your weight on your left foot
TAG 4 Counts at the end of wall 2

PART B: 32 counts
B[1-8] Botafogo right, botafogo left, rock forward right, saylor step ( full turn )
1 & 2 -step cross right over left, rock left to left, recover to right
3 & 4 -step cross left over right, rock right to right, recover to left
5 - 6 -rock right forward, recover to left
7 & 8 -step right back behind left, step left to left, step right forward ( make full turn )

B[9-16] 1/2 Rhumba box left, 1/4 cross schuffle,1/2 rhumba box right 1/4 right, cross schuffle back
1 - 2 -step left to left, step close right beside left
3 & 4 -turn 1/4 left and step cross left over right, step right to right, step cross left over right
5 - 6 -turn 1/4 right and step right to right, step left foot beside right foot
7 & 8 -step right back, step cross left over right foot, step right back

B[17-24] Rock left back, Chassé forward, Rock right forward, Chassé back
1 - 2-rock step left back, recover to right
3 &4-step left forward, step cross right behind left foot, step left forward
5 - 6-rock step right forward, recover to left
7 & 8-step right back, step cross left over right, step right back

B[25-32] Rock step left back, step left side, point right recover to right x 3 (1 1/2 turn )
1 - 2-step left back, recover to right
3- 4-step left to left starting left turn, tip step with the right making 1/2 turn
5 - 6-recover to left weight, tip step with the right making 1/2 turn
7 & 8-recover to left weight, tip step with the right making 1/2 turn, recover to left

PART C: 32 counts
C[1-16] Step right, Cross right x 3, Step side right, Recover to left
1 -2-step right to right side, step cross left over right foot
3 -4-same as 1-2
5 -6-same as 1-2
7 -8-step right to right side, recover to left

1 -2-step cross right foot over left, step left to left side
3 -4-same as 1-2
5 -6-same as 1-2
7 -8-recover to right weight, step cross left over right foot

C[17-24] Point diagonally x 4, Steps back
1 -2-point right towards diagonal right, step right back beside left
3 -4-point left towards diagonal left, step left back beside right
5 -6-point right towards diagonal right, step right back beside left
7 -8-point left towards diagonal left, step back left beside right

C[25-32] Jazz box right, Step turn left 1/2, Step forward x 2 with claps, Touch right with clap
1 -2-step cross right over left, step left back
3 -4-step right to right side, step left forward
5 -6-step right forward, turn to left 1/2
7 & 8-step right forward, step left forward, touch right beside to left foot ( making claps in all the steps )



The World Was Created When Two People Are Kissing ( Octavio Paz )


Nandi December 28, 2016
Preciosa coreografia

AngelsMA December 29, 2016

Miguel Sastre January 1, 2017
Genial coreografía, enhorabuena

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