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Little Apple Fitness Line

( 4 Stimmen)
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Wong Kwong Sing (CAN) - November 2016
Little Apple - Chopstick Brothers
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Sequence: Main dance / Main dance / Tag / Main Section IV and V / Tag.
Dance right away when music starts.

Main Dance (5 Sections x 4 Bars = 20 Bars = 80 Counts):

Section I:
Bar 1: Tap Tap Tap Step / Tap Tap Tap Step
1,2,3Tap Rf to R. 3 times (Both hands high sprinkle R. when Tap)
4Step Rf at side of Lf (and clap hands)
5,6,7Tap Lf to L. 3 times (Both hands high sprinkle L. when Tap)
8Step Lf at side of Rf (and clap hands)

Bar 2: (Same as Bar 1)
Bar 3: (Same as Bar 1)
Bar 4: (Same as Bar 1)

Section II:
Bar 5: Point Point Point / Step / Point Point Point / Step
1,2,3,4Point Rf cross / Point Rf side / Point Rf cross / Step Rf at side of Lf / (L. hand ‘Flipping’.)
5,6,7,8Point Lf cross / Point Lf side / Point Lf cross / Step Lf at side of Rf / (R. hand ‘Flipping’.)

Bar 6: Out Out In In / (Shoulder) Roll Roll Roll Roll
1,2Step Rf forward out (R. hand punch R.) / Step Lf out (L. hand punch L.) /
3,4Step Rf back in / Step Lf in
5,6Ball weigh on Rf (Back roll R. shoulder) / Ball weigh on Lf (Back roll L. shoulder)
7,8Ball weigh on Rf (Back roll R. shoulder) / Ball weigh on Lf (Back roll L. shoulder)

Bar 7: Point Point Point / Step / Point Point Point / Step
(Same as bar 5)

Bar 8: Out Out In In / (Shoulder) Roll Roll Roll Roll
(Same as bar 6)

Section III:
Bar 9: Walk Walk Walk Walk / Stomp Stomp Touch Jump
1,2,3,4Walk 4 steps - Rf, Lf, Rf, Lf
5,6,Side stomp Rf (Low Sprinkle hands to R.) / Side stomp Lf (Low Sprinkle hands to L.) /
7Touch Rf to bent body (Low Sprinkle hands in front)
8Jump (Arms and palms up).

Bar 10: Back Back Back Back / Stomp Stomp Touch Jump
1,2,3,4Walk backward 4 steps - Rf, Lf, Rf, Lf /
5,6,7,8(Same as Bar 9 – 5,6,7,8).

Bar 11: Walk Walk Walk Walk / Stomp Stomp Touch Jump
(Same as bar 9).

Bar 12: Back Back Back Back / Jump Jump Jump Back
1,2,3,4(same as Bar 10 – 1,2,3,4)
5,6,7Jump 3 times (arms up “hold sky”).
8Step Back Rf.

Section IV:
Bar 13: Point Step / Point Step / (Hands) Roll-& Roll-& Roll-& Stand
1,2,Point Lf. front (Point R. index finger to audience) / Step Lf at side of Rf.
3,4Point Rf. front (Point L. thumb to your nose) / Step Rf at side of Lf.
5,6,7Bent legs & roll hands several times in front of body: Roll & Roll & Roll &
8Stand up with weight on Rf. (with hands open like “ no more”.)

Bar 14: Point Step / Point Step / Point Step / Point
1,2, 3,4Point Lf front (Rh “give me”) / Step Lf at side of Rf / Point Rf front (Lh “give me”) / Step Rf at side of Lf.
1,6,7,8Point Lf front (Rh “give me”) / Step Lf at side of Rf / Point Rf (Lh “give me”) / Hold

Bar 15: Side Close Side Hold / Side Close Side Hold
1,2, 3,4Step Rf to R. / Step Lf next to Rf / Step Rf to R. / Hold / (Coping with rolling arms anticlockwise).
5,6,7,8Step Lf to L. / Step Rf next to Lf / Step Lf to L. / Hold / (Rh hit L. chest 3 times).

Bar 16: Run Run Run Run / Back Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy
1,2,3,4In spot running 4 steps - R. L. R. L.
5Step Back Rf (Lf light touch in front)
6,7,8Shimmy 3 times.

Section V:
Bar 17 Point Step Point Step / (Hands) Roll-& Roll-& Roll-& Stand
(Same as Bar 13)

Bar 18 Point Step / Point Step / Point Step / Point
(Same as Bar 14)

Bar 19 Side Close Side Hold / Side Close Side Hold
1,2, 3,4(Same as Bar 15)
5,6,7,8(Legs same as Bar 15, *with hands swiping to left like a ‘slop’.)

Bar 20: Run Run Run Run / (Jump + Hand) Sun Cir- cle Down
1,2,3,4(Same as Bar 16 – 1,2,3,4)
5,6,7,8Bouncing jumps 4 times – with hands raising up then circle down at sides.
(*1st round jump with gentle legs, ended with a Rf touch. / 2nd & 3rd round, jump with legs opened - to cope with coming up series of motions.)

Tag: (4 counts x 8 = 4 Bars): Bent-bent- bent-bent- bent-bent- touch(+stab)
Start with “robot mountain post” - legs wide opened, arms bent at sides and fingers point sky:
1&Drop R. elbow and touch Lf. / Drop L. elbow and touch Rf.
2&Drop R. elbow and touch Lf. / Drop L. elbow and touch Rf.
3&Drop R. elbow and touch Lf. / Drop L. elbow and touch Rf.
4Touch twist (toes in) Rf., to stab R. hand towards left.

Last Update – 15th Dec 2016


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