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Why So Lonely

( 2 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Johnson Koo (SG) - November 2016
Why So Lonely - Wonder Girls
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Intro: 8 counts [Start on Vocals]
Sequence: A A, B, A A A A, B, A A, C C, A A A, B.

Part A – 32 Counts
[1 - 8] Forward Rock, Recover, Step Back with Heel Twist x 2, Behind, Recover.
1 - 2Rock RF forward, Recover to LF.
3 - 4Step RF back to L diagonal as you twist L heel to L, Hold.
5 - 6Step LF back to R diagonal as you twist R heel to R, Hold.
7 - 8Step RF behind LF, Recover to LF.

[9 - 16] Side, Hold, Behind, Cross, ¼ Turn L-Bumps Forward x 2.
1 - 2Step RF to R side, Hold.
3 - 4Step LF behind RF, Cross RF over LF.
5 - 6Make ¼ turn L as you Touch LF forward with hip, Put weight on LF (9.00)
7 - 8Touch RF forward with a hip, Put weight on RF.

[17-24] ¼ Turn L-Cross Hold, Ball Cross, Side, Behind, Cross, Side Cross.
1 - 2Make ¼ turn L cross LF over RF, Hold. (6.00)
& 3 4Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side.
5 - 6Step LF behind RF, Cross RF over LF.
7 - 8Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF.

[25-32] ¼ Turn L-Ball Step, Point, Touch Behind, Flick, Cross Side Side, Cross, Hitch.
& 1 2Make ¼ turn L step LF in place & keep weight on LF, Point RF to R side. Touch RF behind LF. (3.00)
3 - 4Flick RF out, Cross RF over LF.
5 - 6Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side.
7 - 8Cross LF over RF, Hitch R knee.

Part B – 32 Counts
[33-40] Side Drag, Step behind, ¼ Turn L-Step Forward, Big Step Forward, Drag/touch.
1 - 2Step RF to R side, Dragging LF toward RF. (6.00)
3 - 4Step LF behind RF, Make ¼ turn L step RF forward. (3.00)
5 6 7 8Big step LF forward, Dragging RF toward LF and touch R toe beside LF on 3 counts.

[41-48] Side Drag, Step behind, ¼ Turn L-Step Forward, Big Step Forward, Drag/touch.
1 - 2Step RF to R side, Dragging LF toward RF.
3 - 4Step LF behind RF, Make ¼ turn L step RF forward. (12.00)
5 6 7 8Big step LF forward, Dragging RF toward LF and touch R toe beside LF on 3 counts.

[49-56] Step touch with clap x 2, Paddle ¼ Turn L x 2
1 - 2Step RF forward to R diagonal, Touch LF beside RF (Clap hands).
3 - 4Step LF forward to L diagonal, Touch RF beside LF (Clap hands).
5 - 6Make ¼ turn L step RF to R side with a hip, Step LF in place with a hip.
7 - 8Make ¼ turn L step RF to R side with a hip, Step LF in place with a hip. (6.00)

[57-64] Cross Hold x 2, Step Forward, Together, Hip Roll.
1 - 2Cross RF over LF, Hold.
3 - 4Cross LF over RF, Hold.
5 - 6Step RF forward, Step LF beside RF.
7 - 8Rolling hip with anti-clockwise from R to L, return to centre and push hip in front.

Part C – 32 Counts
[65-72] Weave L, Sweep, Vine R, Kick L diagonal.
1 - 2Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L side. (12.00)
3 - 4Step RF behind LF, Sweep LF from front prep to stepping behind RF.
5 - 6Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side,.
7 - 8Cross LF over RF, Kick RF to R diagonal.

[73-80 Jazz Box ¼ Turn R, Cross, Dwight Swivel.
1 - 2Cross RF over LF whilst starting to make a ¼ turn R step LF back. (3.00)
3 - 4Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF.
5 - 6Swivel L heel to R and tap R toe next to L, Swivel L toe to R and tap R heel next to L.
7 - 8Swivel L heel to R and tap R toe next to L, Swivel L toe to R and tap R heel next to L.

[81-88] Cross Rock, Side Rock, Back Rock - ¼ Turn R, Walk Walk.
1 - 2Cross RF over LF, Recover on LF.
3 - 4Rock RF to R side, Recover on LF.
5 - 6Step RF behind LF as you make a ¼ turn R, Small step LF forward. (6.00)
7 - 8Walk forward on RF/ LF.

[89-96] Hitch step back x 2, Out Out, Elvis Knees.
1 - 2Hitch R knee, Step RF back.
3 - 4Hitch L knee, Step LF back,
5 - 6Step RF out, Step LF out.
7 - 8Pop R knee, Pop L knee.

Ending: On wall 16(Last wall), dance up to count 60 of the Part B, do this on the next 4 count to fact 12.oo
5 - 6make ¼ turn R step RF to R side, Step LF to L side.
7 - 8Quickly doing shake hips style to R/L.


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