Intro: 16 counts
Touch fwd, side, sailor step, touch fwd, side, sailor turn ¼ L
1-2Touch R fwd, touch R to right side
3&4Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side
5-6Touch L fwd, touch L to left side
7&8Turn ¼ left step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side - 9:00
Toe heel stomp, step swivel step, coaster step, step pivot ¼
1&2Touch R toe in, touch R heel in, stomp R
3&4Step L fwd, swivel heels out, in (weight on R)
5&6Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
7-8Step R fwd, pivot ¼ left - 6:00
*** Restart here on wall 3
Rock, recover, shuffle turn ½ R, walk, walk, mambo
1-2Rock R fwd, recover L
3&4Turn ½ right shuffle R L R fwd - 12:00
5-6Walk L, walk R
(option: turn ½ right, turn ½ right)
7&8Rock L fwd, recover R, step L back
Turn ¼ R, touch, hip bumps L & R, coaster step
1-2Turn ¼ right step R to side, touch L beside R - 3:00
3&4Bump hips left, right, left
5&6Bump hips right, left, right
7&8Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
Restart: Wall 3 starts at 6:00 - dance 16 counts and restart facing 12:00
Tag: Wall 7 starts at 9:00 and ends at 12:00 ....add a 4-count tag before starting the 12:00 wall:
Rocking chair:
1-4Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
Ending: Wall 9 starts at finish facing the front, change the final coaster step to:
Step L fwd, pivot ½ right, step L fwd
Touch fwd, side, sailor step, touch fwd, side, sailor turn ¼ L
1-2Touch R fwd, touch R to right side
3&4Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side
5-6Touch L fwd, touch L to left side
7&8Turn ¼ left step L behind R, step R to right side, step L to left side - 9:00
Toe heel stomp, step swivel step, coaster step, step pivot ¼
1&2Touch R toe in, touch R heel in, stomp R
3&4Step L fwd, swivel heels out, in (weight on R)
5&6Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
7-8Step R fwd, pivot ¼ left - 6:00
*** Restart here on wall 3
Rock, recover, shuffle turn ½ R, walk, walk, mambo
1-2Rock R fwd, recover L
3&4Turn ½ right shuffle R L R fwd - 12:00
5-6Walk L, walk R
(option: turn ½ right, turn ½ right)
7&8Rock L fwd, recover R, step L back
Turn ¼ R, touch, hip bumps L & R, coaster step
1-2Turn ¼ right step R to side, touch L beside R - 3:00
3&4Bump hips left, right, left
5&6Bump hips right, left, right
7&8Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
Restart: Wall 3 starts at 6:00 - dance 16 counts and restart facing 12:00
Tag: Wall 7 starts at 9:00 and ends at 12:00 ....add a 4-count tag before starting the 12:00 wall:
Rocking chair:
1-4Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
Ending: Wall 9 starts at finish facing the front, change the final coaster step to:
Step L fwd, pivot ½ right, step L fwd