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Forever Country

( 29 Stimmen)
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Phrased High Improver
Adrian Churm (UK) - September 2016
Forever Country - Artists of Then, Now & Forever
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#16 count intro - Sequence A, A, A, A, A, (Restart) A, A, Bridge, B ,B, B (optional ending)
Style, 32 counts Two Step & 32 counts NC2S

Part A (4 wall 32 counts).
Sec A1: Walk forward, forward mambo, walk back, coaster step.
1 – 2Walk forward right, left.
3&4Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left, small step back with right.
5 – 6Walk back left, right.
7&8Step left foot back, close right next to left, step left foot forward.

Sec A2: Diagonal lock step x 2, rock, recover, coaster cross
1&2Lock step forward right, left, right to the right diagonal.
3&4Lock step forward left, right, left to the left diagonal.
5 – 6Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left.
7&8Step right foot back, close left next to right, step right foot across left.

Sec A3: Side rock, recover, ¼ turn left coaster step, Pivot ½ turn left, ½ turn shuffle left.
1 – 2Rock left foot out to the right side, recover onto right ( preparing to turn left).
3&4¼ turn left sweeping left foot around and back, close right next to left, step left foot forward.
5 – 6Step right foot forward, make a ½ pivot turn left (weight ends on left).
7&8½ turn shuffle around to the left stepping right, left, right. (moves slightly back).

Sec A4: Rock back , recover, shuffle forward, heel switches, kick, heel jack.
1 – 2Rock left foot back, recover forward onto right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left.
(Restart here on wall 5 facing 9 o'clock )
5&6&Touch right heel forward, close right to left, touch left heel forward, close left to right.
7&8&Low kick forward with right, small step back right, touch left heel forward, close left to right.
Dance part A seven times.

Linking into part (B) of Dance after completing 7th wall of part (A). Begin facing 3 o'clock
1 – 2Step right foot forward, ¼ turn left (weight ends on left foot to the side)
3&Rock right foot behind left, recover forward on left. (end facing 12 o'clock)

Part B (1 wall 32 counts)
Sec B1: Night club basic x2, behind, side, cross rock, recover, side
1Step right foot to the side.
2&3Rock left behind right, recover forward onto right, step left to the side.
4&5Rock right behind left. recover forward onto left, step right to the side.
6&7Step left behind right, step right foot to the side, rock left across right.
8&Recover back onto right, step left to the side.

Sec B2: Cross rock, recover , side, cross, side, sailor ¼ turn left, syncopated rocking chair.
1Rock right across left.
2&3Recover back onto left, step right to the side, step left across right.
4Step right foot to the side.
5&6Step left behind right, ¼ turn left stepping right to the side, step left foot forward.
7&8&Rock right forward, recover back onto left, rock right back, recover forward onto left.

Sec B3: Step forward, forward mambo, back mambo, ½ turn right, ¼ turn left
1Step right foot forward
2&3Rock left foot forward, recover back onto right, small step back left
4&5Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left, small step forward right.
6&7Step left foot forward, ½ turn right, step left foot forward.
8&Step right foot forward, ¼ turn left (weight ends on left to the side)

Sec B4: Step across, Scissor steps x 2, sway left, right, left.
1Step right across left
2&3Step left foot to the side, close right towards left, step left across right.
4&5Step right foot to the side, close left towards right, step right across left
6 – 8Step left foot to the side and sway left, sway right, sway left (right foot draws in)
Dance part B three times.
On the third time only dance section 1 if adding in the optional ending below.

Optional ending
On the third repetition of part B only section 1 then to finish add the following.
1 – 4Cross right over left , unwind full turn to left.

Last Update – 28th Oct 2016

Sassy Stepper October 5, 2016
Really lovely dance to a great song sung by so many super stars. Thank you Adrian!

dancer33 October 6, 2016

Pony Chen October 7, 2016
What a great dance , demo is quite clearly and wonderful , very nice chor.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Regards Pony

Ju Ju October 18, 2016
Great Choreography once again from Adrian ,will be teaching this for sure fab remix track well done again Adrian

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