Phrased High Improver
#16 count intro - Sequence A, A, A, A, A, (Restart) A, A, Bridge, B ,B, B (optional ending)
Style, 32 counts Two Step & 32 counts NC2S
Part A (4 wall 32 counts).
Sec A1: Walk forward, forward mambo, walk back, coaster step.
1 – 2Walk forward right, left.
3&4Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left, small step back with right.
5 – 6Walk back left, right.
7&8Step left foot back, close right next to left, step left foot forward.
Sec A2: Diagonal lock step x 2, rock, recover, coaster cross
1&2Lock step forward right, left, right to the right diagonal.
3&4Lock step forward left, right, left to the left diagonal.
5 – 6Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left.
7&8Step right foot back, close left next to right, step right foot across left.
Sec A3: Side rock, recover, ¼ turn left coaster step, Pivot ½ turn left, ½ turn shuffle left.
1 – 2Rock left foot out to the right side, recover onto right ( preparing to turn left).
3&4¼ turn left sweeping left foot around and back, close right next to left, step left foot forward.
5 – 6Step right foot forward, make a ½ pivot turn left (weight ends on left).
7&8½ turn shuffle around to the left stepping right, left, right. (moves slightly back).
Sec A4: Rock back , recover, shuffle forward, heel switches, kick, heel jack.
1 – 2Rock left foot back, recover forward onto right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left.
(Restart here on wall 5 facing 9 o'clock )
5&6&Touch right heel forward, close right to left, touch left heel forward, close left to right.
7&8&Low kick forward with right, small step back right, touch left heel forward, close left to right.
Dance part A seven times.
Linking into part (B) of Dance after completing 7th wall of part (A). Begin facing 3 o'clock
1 – 2Step right foot forward, ¼ turn left (weight ends on left foot to the side)
3&Rock right foot behind left, recover forward on left. (end facing 12 o'clock)
Part B (1 wall 32 counts)
Sec B1: Night club basic x2, behind, side, cross rock, recover, side
1Step right foot to the side.
2&3Rock left behind right, recover forward onto right, step left to the side.
4&5Rock right behind left. recover forward onto left, step right to the side.
6&7Step left behind right, step right foot to the side, rock left across right.
8&Recover back onto right, step left to the side.
Sec B2: Cross rock, recover , side, cross, side, sailor ¼ turn left, syncopated rocking chair.
1Rock right across left.
2&3Recover back onto left, step right to the side, step left across right.
4Step right foot to the side.
5&6Step left behind right, ¼ turn left stepping right to the side, step left foot forward.
7&8&Rock right forward, recover back onto left, rock right back, recover forward onto left.
Sec B3: Step forward, forward mambo, back mambo, ½ turn right, ¼ turn left
1Step right foot forward
2&3Rock left foot forward, recover back onto right, small step back left
4&5Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left, small step forward right.
6&7Step left foot forward, ½ turn right, step left foot forward.
8&Step right foot forward, ¼ turn left (weight ends on left to the side)
Sec B4: Step across, Scissor steps x 2, sway left, right, left.
1Step right across left
2&3Step left foot to the side, close right towards left, step left across right.
4&5Step right foot to the side, close left towards right, step right across left
6 – 8Step left foot to the side and sway left, sway right, sway left (right foot draws in)
Dance part B three times.
On the third time only dance section 1 if adding in the optional ending below.
Optional ending
On the third repetition of part B only section 1 then to finish add the following.
1 – 4Cross right over left , unwind full turn to left.
Last Update – 28th Oct 2016
Style, 32 counts Two Step & 32 counts NC2S
Part A (4 wall 32 counts).
Sec A1: Walk forward, forward mambo, walk back, coaster step.
1 – 2Walk forward right, left.
3&4Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left, small step back with right.
5 – 6Walk back left, right.
7&8Step left foot back, close right next to left, step left foot forward.
Sec A2: Diagonal lock step x 2, rock, recover, coaster cross
1&2Lock step forward right, left, right to the right diagonal.
3&4Lock step forward left, right, left to the left diagonal.
5 – 6Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left.
7&8Step right foot back, close left next to right, step right foot across left.
Sec A3: Side rock, recover, ¼ turn left coaster step, Pivot ½ turn left, ½ turn shuffle left.
1 – 2Rock left foot out to the right side, recover onto right ( preparing to turn left).
3&4¼ turn left sweeping left foot around and back, close right next to left, step left foot forward.
5 – 6Step right foot forward, make a ½ pivot turn left (weight ends on left).
7&8½ turn shuffle around to the left stepping right, left, right. (moves slightly back).
Sec A4: Rock back , recover, shuffle forward, heel switches, kick, heel jack.
1 – 2Rock left foot back, recover forward onto right
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left.
(Restart here on wall 5 facing 9 o'clock )
5&6&Touch right heel forward, close right to left, touch left heel forward, close left to right.
7&8&Low kick forward with right, small step back right, touch left heel forward, close left to right.
Dance part A seven times.
Linking into part (B) of Dance after completing 7th wall of part (A). Begin facing 3 o'clock
1 – 2Step right foot forward, ¼ turn left (weight ends on left foot to the side)
3&Rock right foot behind left, recover forward on left. (end facing 12 o'clock)
Part B (1 wall 32 counts)
Sec B1: Night club basic x2, behind, side, cross rock, recover, side
1Step right foot to the side.
2&3Rock left behind right, recover forward onto right, step left to the side.
4&5Rock right behind left. recover forward onto left, step right to the side.
6&7Step left behind right, step right foot to the side, rock left across right.
8&Recover back onto right, step left to the side.
Sec B2: Cross rock, recover , side, cross, side, sailor ¼ turn left, syncopated rocking chair.
1Rock right across left.
2&3Recover back onto left, step right to the side, step left across right.
4Step right foot to the side.
5&6Step left behind right, ¼ turn left stepping right to the side, step left foot forward.
7&8&Rock right forward, recover back onto left, rock right back, recover forward onto left.
Sec B3: Step forward, forward mambo, back mambo, ½ turn right, ¼ turn left
1Step right foot forward
2&3Rock left foot forward, recover back onto right, small step back left
4&5Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left, small step forward right.
6&7Step left foot forward, ½ turn right, step left foot forward.
8&Step right foot forward, ¼ turn left (weight ends on left to the side)
Sec B4: Step across, Scissor steps x 2, sway left, right, left.
1Step right across left
2&3Step left foot to the side, close right towards left, step left across right.
4&5Step right foot to the side, close left towards right, step right across left
6 – 8Step left foot to the side and sway left, sway right, sway left (right foot draws in)
Dance part B three times.
On the third time only dance section 1 if adding in the optional ending below.
Optional ending
On the third repetition of part B only section 1 then to finish add the following.
1 – 4Cross right over left , unwind full turn to left.
Last Update – 28th Oct 2016