CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Naked In Your Bed

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Phrased Intermediate
Julie Englund Hansen (DK) & Katja Østerby (DK) - October 2016
Title - Meghan Trainor
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Intro : start on the word Love (apr. 2 counts intro) Phrasing: AABAABAABB(ending)

Part A: (64 count - 4 wall)
A1: Side R, touch L, side L, Touch R, Side R, Cross L, Side R, Point L
1-2Step R to R side (1), touch L beside R (2)
3-4Step L to L side (3), touch R beside L (4)
5-6Step R to R side(5), Cross L in front of R (6)
7-8Step R to R side (7), point L diagonally fwd towards L diagonal (8)

A2: Side L, touch R, side R, Touch L, Side L, Cross R, Side L, kick R
1-2Step L to L side (1), touch R beside L (2)
3-4Step R to r side (3), touch L beside R (4)
5-6Step L to L side (5), Cross R over L (6)
7-8Step L to l side (7), Kick R diagonally fwd towards R diagonal (8)

A3: R Behind L, ⅟₄ turn L, Step R, hold, Mambo ⅟₂ L, hold
1-2Cross R behind L (1), ⅟₄ L stepping L fwd (2)
3-4Step fwd onto R (3), hold (4)
5-6Rock L fwd (5), Recover onto R (6)
7-8⅟₂ over L shoulder stepping fwd onto L (7), hold (8)

A4: Lock ⅟₂ R, hold, out R, out L , Shimmie
1-2⅟₄ turn over L stepping R to R side (1), Lock L in front of R (2)
3-4⅟₄ turn over L shoulder stepping back onto R (3), hold (4)
&5step L to L side on ball of foot (&), step R to R side on ball of foot (5)
(Stay on the tip of your toes on &5)
6-7-8Shimmie shoulders as you move down onto flat feet weight ending on L (6-7-8)

A5: R toe strut jazzbox, L toe strut fwd
1-2Cross R toe over L (1), step down on R (2)
3-4Touch L toe backwards (3), step down on L (4)
5-6Touch R toe to R side (5), step down on R (6)
7-8Touch L toe fwd (7), step down on L (8)

A6: R step lock step, Scuff L, L step lock step, Sweep R
1-2Step R fwd (1), Lock L behind R (2)
3-4Step R fwd (3), scuff L beside R (4)
5-6Step L fwd (5), lock R Behind L (6)
7-8Step L fwd (7), Sweep R from back to front (8)

A7: Cross R, back L, side R, cross L, back R, side L, cross R, side L
1-2Cross R over L (1), Step back onto L (2)
3-4Step R back (4), Cross L over R (4)
5-6Step R back (5), step L to L side (6)
7-8Cross R over L (7), step L to L side (8)

A8: Touch R, side R, touch L, side L, hip circle counter clockwise, touch R
1-2Touch R beside L (1), step R to R side (2)
3-4Touch L beside R (3), step L to L side (4)
5-6-7Move hips in a circle counter clockwise (5-6-7)
8Touch R beside L (8)

Part B: (32 count - 1 wall)
B1: Toestrut ⅟₂ R over L shoulder, toestrut ⅟₂ L over L shoulder, Mambo fwd R, hold
1-2⅟₂ turn over L shoulder touching R toe back (1), step down on R (2)
3-4⅟₂ turn over L shoulder touching L toe fwd (3), step down on L (4)
5-6Rock R fwd (5), Recover back onto L (7)
7-8Step R back (7), hold (8)

B2: Toestrut ⅟₂ L over L shoulder, toestrut ⅟₂ R over L shoulder, mambo back L, hold
1-2⅟₂ turn over L shoulder touching L fwd (1), step down on L (2)
3-4⅟₂ turn over L shoulder touching R back (3), step down on R (4)
5-6Rock L back (5), recover onto R (6)
7-8Step L fwd (7), hold (8)

B3: R toe heel cross, L toe heel cross (with twists), touch R, hold
1-2Touch R toe twisting L heel in (1), touch R heel Twisting L heel out (2)
3-4Cross R over L (3), Touch L toe twisting R heel in (4)
5-6touch L heel twisting R heel out(5), Cross L over R (6)
(Easy option: don’t do the twist just do the toe heel cross )
7-8Touch R beside L (7), hold (8)

B4: Step ⅟₂ R over L shoulder, ⅟₂ R over L shoulder, drag L, coaster L, Touch R
1-2Step R fwd (1), ⅟₂ over L shoulder shifting weight onto L (2)
3-4⅟₂ over L shoulder stepping back onto R (3), drag L keeping weight on R (4)
5-6Step L back (5), step R beside L (6)
7-8Step L fwd (7), touch R beside L (8)

Ending: when you finish you last b part you will be facing 6 o’clock
You have 1 count left in the music, spin ⅟₂ turn over L shoulder keeping weight on L


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