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Phrased Intermediate
Inge Vestergård (DK) - September 2016
Hallelujah - Simon Lynge : (Album: The Map of Your Life - 3:24)
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Sequenced A (Waltz) B (Samba) Linedance.

Sequence: A, A, B, B, A with 2 TAGS and Restart, B, B, B, A with ending.

There is no Intro. The Vocal starts with the words “I Picture”, and the dance starts on “Picture”.
Start with weight on L foot.

A Sec. 1: Step R, Sweep L, Cross L, R Side Rock.
1 - 3Step R fwd, Sweep L form back to front over 2 counts
4 - 6Cross L over R, Rock R to L side, Recover on L

A Sec. 2: Sailor ¼ R, Step L, Hold.
1 - 3Cross R behind L turning ¼ R, Step L beside R, Step R fwd 3:00
4 - 6Step L fwd, Hold for 2 counts.
(*TAG 1 and Restart from the Top) (**TAG 2. After TAG you will skip the rest of Part A) Read note below.

A Sec. 3: Mambo ½ Turn R, Step L. Hold.
1 - 3Rock fwd R, Recover on L, ½ Turn R stepping fwd on R (9:00)
4 - 6Step L fwd, Hold for 2 counts

A Sec. 4: Mambo ½ Turn R, Step L. Hold.
1 - 3Rock fwd R, Recover on L, ½ Turn R stepping fwd on R (9:00)
4 - 6Step L fwd, Hold for 2 counts

A. Repeat sec. 1, 2, 3 and 4 and then you will end facing 6 o' clock. Then continue with the rest of part A

A Sec. 5: Sway R – L
1 – 3Step R to R side and Sway R (6:00)
4 – 6Sway L

A. Sec. 6: ½ Diamond R.
1 – 3Cross R over L, Step L to l side, Step R diagonal back (7:30)
4 – 6Step L diagonal back, Step R to R side as you straighten up to 3:00, Step L diagonal fwd (10:30)

A Sec 7: Step R, Slow Kick L, Step back L, Drag R.
1 - 3Step diagonal fwd on R, make a L slow kick fwd on 2 counts (10.30)
4 - 6Step diagonal back on L, Drag R towards L foot on 2 counts (10.30)

A Sec. 8: Step R fwd, Sweep L, Cross L, R Side Step, L step R .
1 – 3Step R diagonal fwd, Sweep L from back to front over 2 counts as you straighten up to (12:00)
4 – 6Cross L in front og R, Step R to Side, Step L beside R (Weight on L)

A. Repeat sec. 5, 6, 7 and 8 and then you will be facing 6 o' clock, and have finished Part A.
B sec. 1: R Samba Whisk, L Samba Whisk, R Full Turn Volta (lock step)
1&2Step R to R side, Rock/step L behind right, Recover weight onto R (6.00)
3&4Step L to L side, Rock/step R behind L, recover weight onto L
5&6&Step R slightly fwd to 7.30, Lock/step L behind turning 1/8 turn right, Step R slightly fwd turning 1/8 turn R, Lock/step L behind turning 1/8 turn R
7&8Step R slightly fwd turning 1/8 turn right, Lock/step L behind turning 1/8 turn R, Step R slightly fwd to 6.00 (counts 5-8 is lock/step turning a full turn right, keep circle tight) 6:00

B sec. 2: L Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, R Side Rock, Sailor ½ Turn R
1 – 2Rock L to L side, Recover on R
3&4Cross L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross L in front of R
5 – 6Rock R to R side, Recover on L
7&8Step R behind L turning ½ turn R, Step L beside R, Step fwd R (12:00)

B sec. 3: 2x L Kick Ball Step, Shuffle L fwd, L Heel Ball Cross
1&2Kick L fwd, Step L beside R, Step R fwd
3&4Kick L fwd, Step L beside R, Step R fwd
5&6Step L fwd, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
7&8Dig R Heel diagonal fwd R, Step R beside L, Cross L over R

B sec. 4: ¼ turn L, Side Step L, R Cross Shuffle, L Side Rock, ¼ Turn R, L Mambo Step
1 – 2¼ L stepping back on R, Step L to L side (9:00)
3 & 4Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
5 – 6Rock L to L side, ¼ Turn R stepping R fwd (12:00)
7&8Rock L fwd, Recover on R, Step L beside R. ( Weight ends on L)

NOTE: There are 2 small TAGS and an ENDING of this dance.

When you dance Part A for the 3. time you will dance the following:
After sec 1 and 2 you will dance * TAG 1: (2 Prissy-walks):
1 – 3Step/Cross R in front of L
4 – 6Step/ Cross L in front of R.
After the first tag you will skip the Mambo-turns (sec. A: 3 and 4) and restart the dance from the top.

Then during repeating the first 4 sec. you will dance the following:
After sec 1 and 2 you will dance * TAG 2: (4 Prissy-walks):
1 – 3Step/Cross R in front of L
4 – 6Step/ Cross L in front of R.
Repeat count 1 – 6

After the second TAG you will skip the rest of Part A and dance Part B 3 times.

ENDING:When you dance Part A for the last time, you must only dance Sec. 1 and 2. Then make a ¼ turn R stepping R to side facing 12 o'clock.

Have fun and enjoy this wonderfull song and lovely music by Simon Lynge.

Contact: Inge Vestergård – mail:

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