CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Betty George (NZ) - August 2016
Storms Never Last - Dr. Hook
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This dance is danced to the same steps as the dance called – “A Little Daylight” – except it has no tags or restarts.
It is not a split floor for – A Little Daylight – the music & tempo is different – so treat it as a separate dance.
The idea came about to have two dances to one dance script with a slight variance – so we don't have to learn 2 dances
Anyway I'm just trialling it out – your feedback will be most welcome

Start on vocals - [16 counts in]

[1-8] Cross-Side, Cross & Cross, Back-Side, Cross & Cross\
1-2Cross R over L, step L to side
3&4Cross R over L, step L to side, cross R over L
5-6Step L back, step R to side
7&8Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L over R [12.00]

[9-16] Back- ¼ Turn, Shuffle Forward, Full Turn Forward, Triple Step
1-2Step R back, turn ¼ left & step L to side
3&4Shuffle fwd R.L.R.
5-6Turn ½ right & step L back, turn ½ right & step R fwd
[Option: Walk fwd L.R.]
7&8Triple step L.R.L. On spot [9.00]

[17-24] ¼ Pivot, Cross-Side, Back-Recover, Shuffle Forward
1-2Step R fwd, ¼ pivot left
3-4Cross R over L, step L to side
5-6Step R back, recover on L
7&8Shuffle fwd R.L.R. [6.00]

[25-32] ½ Pivot, ¼ Turn Side Shuffle, Cross-Point [x2]
1-2Step L fwd, ½ pivot right
3&4Turn ¼ right & shuffle to side L.R.L.
5-6Cross R behind L, point L toes to side
7-8Cross L over R, point R toes to side [3.00]

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