CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Nasty Girl Dirty Strut

( 5 Stimmen)
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Bubba Carl Williams (USA) & Joy Hicks Williams (USA) - July 2016
Nasty Girl (Remix) - Nitty
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Intro: 16 counts

S1: Cucaracha Step Right
1-&-2Weight on left foot - Step out on right foot, placing weight on right foot (1) transfer weight back to left foot &), Close right foot beside left and hold (2)
3-&-4Weight on right foot - Step out on left foot, placing weight on left foot (3) transfer weight back to right foot (&), Close left foot beside right and hold (4)
5-&-6Weight on left foot - Step out on right foot, placing weight on right foot (1) transfer weight back to left foot (&), Close right foot beside left and hold (2)
7-&-8Weight on right foot - Step out on left foot, placing weight on left foot (3) transfer weight back to right foot (&), Close left foot beside right and hold (4)

S2: Forward Bachata Walk
1-4Right Foot - Forward walk R 1, L 2, R 3, point left foot out 4
5-8Left Foot - Back walk L 5, R 6, Left foot Coaster or Back & Shift 7&8

S3: Forward Bachata Walk
1-4Right Foot - Forward walk R 1, L 2, R 3, point left foot out 4
5-8Left Foot - Back walk L 5, R 6, Left foot Coaster or Back & Shift 7&8

S4: Charm Cha Cha Step
1&2Right foot 1/4 turn right - cha cha cha right (shuffle step)
3&4Left foot 1/2 pivot turn - With weight on the balls of both feet, pivot 1/2 turn left to a cha cha cha left (shuffle, shuffle)
5-6Sweep Step - Point right foot forward on the ball or toe, sweep right foot around with a 1/4 turn right
7&8Left foot Back & Shift L R L

S5: Rocking Chair to Jazz Box 1/4 turn
1-4Step forward right 1 - rock weight back on left 2, step back on right with weight 3, rock weight back on left foot 4
5-8Jazz box with 1/4 left

S6: Turning Cha with rock step
1-8Step right foot forward with 1/2 wall turning cha cha cha R1, L&, R2, Back with left foot L3, R&, L3 double rock recover 5,6,7,8

S7: Turning Cha with rock step and 1/4 turn
1-8Step right foot forward with 1/2 wall turning cha cha cha R1, L&, R2, Back with left foot L3, R&, L3 rock recover 5,6, 1/4 left rock recover 7,8

S8: Hip Lifts
1-4Step forward with right foot and roll right hip up and out, bring right foot back to left and recover - Step forward with left foot and roll left hip up and out, bring left foot back to right and recover.
5-8Step forward with right foot and roll right hip up and out, bring right foot back to left and recover - Step forward with left foot and roll left hip up and out, bring left foot back to right and recover.


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