Phrased Improver
#16 count intro - Sequence: A B B C A B B C C A(modified) Ending
Part A (16 count)
AS1: Cross hitch, hold x 4
1 2Cross hitch step R over L, hold
3 4Cross hitch step L over R, hold
5 6Cross hitch step R over L, hold
7 8Cross hitch step L over R, hold
AS2: Paddle 1 /4 turn x 4
1 2Paddle 1 /4 turn
3 4Paddle 1 /4 turn
For 1st and 2nd time part A is danced
5 6Paddle 1 /4 turn
7 8Paddle 1 /4 turn
For the 3rd time, before the ending, instead of the two 1 /4 paddle turns do hip sway x 4
5 6 7 8Hip Sway R L R L
Part B (32 count)
BS1: Side together, fwd shuffle, side together, back shuffle
1 2RF Side, together
3 & 4Shuffle R L R
5 6LF Side, together
7 & 8back shuffle L R L
BS2: R Chasse, back rock, recover, Point l, 1 /2turn, point RF, touch
1 & 2RF side, LF together, RF side,
3 4back rock on LF, recover to RF
5 6LF point L, step on LF with 1 / 2 turn L (6:00)
7 8RF Point R, RF together with touch
BS3: Walk, walk, shuffle to R diagonal, shuffle to L diagonal, side, together
1 2RF walk, LF walk
3 & 4RF forward, LF next to RF, RF fwd (to R diagonal)
5 & 6LF forward, RF next to LF, LF fwd (to L diagonal)
7 8RF side, LF together with touch
BCS4: Shuffle, Pivot 1 /2 turn L, 1 /4 turn L, behind, 1 /4 turn R, step R
1 & 2LF step fwd, RF next to LF, LF step fwd
3 4RF fwd, 1 /2 turn left (12:00)
5 61 /4 turn L step RF to side (9:00), LF behind
7 81 /4 turn R step RF fwd (12:00), LF fwd
Part C (32 count) (0:51)
S1: R, lock L, step R, 1 /8 turn with sweep, weave, 1 /4 turn
1 2Step RF fwd to L diagonal (10:30), LF behind RF
3 4RF fwd , sweep with 1 / 8 turn R (12:00)
5 6 7 8Cross RF over LF, RF side, LF behind, RF fwd making 1 / 4 turn R step (3:00)
CS2: Rock, recover, sweep, sweep, back touch, 1 /2 turn
1 2LF Rock fwd, recover
3 4Sweep LF back, step on LF,
5 6sweep RF back, step on RF
7 8Back touch LF, 1 / 2 turn L (9:00)
CS3: Side, behind, sweep, behind, side, cross, 1 /4 turn L, shuffle, side rock, recover
1 2RF to side, LF behind,
3 4RF sweep, step RF behind LF
5 6LF side, RF cross
7 81 /4 turn L LF fwd, RF behind, step LF fwd
CS4: Rock, recover, cross shuffle, jazz box, touch
1 2Side rock, recover
3 4cross shuffle, R over LF, LF side, RF over LF
5 6Sweep LF across RF, RF back
7 8LF side, RF touch
ES1: Side together x 2 to R, hip sway x 4
1 2RF side, LF together,
3 4RF Side, LF together
5 6Hip Sway R L
7 8Hip Sway R L
ES2: Side together x 2 to L, hip sway x 4
1 2LF side, RF together,
3 4LF Side, RF together
5 6Hip Sway L R
7 8Hip Sway L R
And Pose!
Contact: with any questions or comments.
Part A (16 count)
AS1: Cross hitch, hold x 4
1 2Cross hitch step R over L, hold
3 4Cross hitch step L over R, hold
5 6Cross hitch step R over L, hold
7 8Cross hitch step L over R, hold
AS2: Paddle 1 /4 turn x 4
1 2Paddle 1 /4 turn
3 4Paddle 1 /4 turn
For 1st and 2nd time part A is danced
5 6Paddle 1 /4 turn
7 8Paddle 1 /4 turn
For the 3rd time, before the ending, instead of the two 1 /4 paddle turns do hip sway x 4
5 6 7 8Hip Sway R L R L
Part B (32 count)
BS1: Side together, fwd shuffle, side together, back shuffle
1 2RF Side, together
3 & 4Shuffle R L R
5 6LF Side, together
7 & 8back shuffle L R L
BS2: R Chasse, back rock, recover, Point l, 1 /2turn, point RF, touch
1 & 2RF side, LF together, RF side,
3 4back rock on LF, recover to RF
5 6LF point L, step on LF with 1 / 2 turn L (6:00)
7 8RF Point R, RF together with touch
BS3: Walk, walk, shuffle to R diagonal, shuffle to L diagonal, side, together
1 2RF walk, LF walk
3 & 4RF forward, LF next to RF, RF fwd (to R diagonal)
5 & 6LF forward, RF next to LF, LF fwd (to L diagonal)
7 8RF side, LF together with touch
BCS4: Shuffle, Pivot 1 /2 turn L, 1 /4 turn L, behind, 1 /4 turn R, step R
1 & 2LF step fwd, RF next to LF, LF step fwd
3 4RF fwd, 1 /2 turn left (12:00)
5 61 /4 turn L step RF to side (9:00), LF behind
7 81 /4 turn R step RF fwd (12:00), LF fwd
Part C (32 count) (0:51)
S1: R, lock L, step R, 1 /8 turn with sweep, weave, 1 /4 turn
1 2Step RF fwd to L diagonal (10:30), LF behind RF
3 4RF fwd , sweep with 1 / 8 turn R (12:00)
5 6 7 8Cross RF over LF, RF side, LF behind, RF fwd making 1 / 4 turn R step (3:00)
CS2: Rock, recover, sweep, sweep, back touch, 1 /2 turn
1 2LF Rock fwd, recover
3 4Sweep LF back, step on LF,
5 6sweep RF back, step on RF
7 8Back touch LF, 1 / 2 turn L (9:00)
CS3: Side, behind, sweep, behind, side, cross, 1 /4 turn L, shuffle, side rock, recover
1 2RF to side, LF behind,
3 4RF sweep, step RF behind LF
5 6LF side, RF cross
7 81 /4 turn L LF fwd, RF behind, step LF fwd
CS4: Rock, recover, cross shuffle, jazz box, touch
1 2Side rock, recover
3 4cross shuffle, R over LF, LF side, RF over LF
5 6Sweep LF across RF, RF back
7 8LF side, RF touch
ES1: Side together x 2 to R, hip sway x 4
1 2RF side, LF together,
3 4RF Side, LF together
5 6Hip Sway R L
7 8Hip Sway R L
ES2: Side together x 2 to L, hip sway x 4
1 2LF side, RF together,
3 4LF Side, RF together
5 6Hip Sway L R
7 8Hip Sway L R
And Pose!
Contact: with any questions or comments.