CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157401
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Burning, Just Like Fire

( 2 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Darcie DeAngelis (USA) - June 2016
Just Like Fire - P!nk
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Phrasing: ABA 1/4A(8 counts) ABABC 1/2A(16 counts) AB
Count in: 8 counts

A: 32 counts
A(1-8) Slide R, Ball Cross, L Step Side, 1/4 Together, L 1/2 1/2 Together, Hips Side Hips Forward
1 2&3Big Step R to R (1) step L next to R (2) Cross R over L (&) Step L to L (3)
&4Make 1/4 R, stepping R next to L (&) Step L forward, prepping for turn (4)
5&6Make 1/2 turn over L, stepping R back(5) Make 1/2 turn L, stepping L forward (&) Make 1/8 turn L, stepping R next to L, popping L knee facing 1:30 (6),
&7&8Push hips up and left (&), Bring hips to neutral position (7), Push hips forward (&), Bring hips back to neutral position (8)
** When dance 1/4A, transfer weight to L on count 8 and restart dance facing 12:00

A(9-16) Slide L Back, R Side Step 1/4 Together, Forward, R Full Turn Triple, L Side Rock Recover, Crossing Triple
1 2&3Big Step L back (1) Step R to R (2) Make 1/4 turn L, stepping L next to R (12:00)(&) Step R forward, prepping for turn (3)
4&5Make full turn over R, stepping L (4) R (&) L forward (5)
6&7&8Rock R to R (6) Recover L (&) Cross R over L (7) Step L to L (&) Cross R over L (8)
** When dance 1/2A, touch R next to L on count 8 and restart the dance

A(17-24) Walk L R, L Rock Forward Recover 1/2 Turn L, 1/4 Turn L, Cross Back, Full Circle RLR
1 2Step L forward (1) step R forward (2)
3&4Rock L forward (3) recover R (&) make 1/2 L, stepping L forward (4)
5 6make 1/4 turn L, stepping R to R side (3:00) (5) cross L behind R (6)
7&8make full circle over R, stepping R (7) L (&) R (8)

A(25-32) Rock Recover Coaster Cross 3/4 Sailor Turn Rock Recover Back
1 2Rock L forward (1) Recover L (2)
3&4Step L back (3) Step R next to L (&) Cross L over R (4)
5&6Make 3/4 turn over L, stepping L back (5) R next to L (&) L forward (6)
7&8Rock L forward (7) Recover R (&) big step back on L (8)

B: 16 counts
B(1-8) Point Hitch Point Swivel Hitch Point Hitch 1/2 Turn, Run R L R L
1&2&Point R to R side (1) Hitch R knee (&) Point R to R side (2) Swivel both knees R (&)
3&4&Swivel both knees center (3) Hitch R knee (&) Point R to R (4) Hitch R knee (&)
5 6Step R forward (5) 1/2 turn L transferring weight to L (6)
7&8&Step R forward (7) Step L forward (&) Step R forward (8) Step L forward (&)

B(9-16) Point Hitch Point Swivel Point Hitch 1/2 Turn Walk RL
1&2&Point R to R side (1) Hitch R knee (&) Point R to R side (2) Swivel both knees R (&)
3&4&Swivel both knees center (3) Hitch R knee (&) Point R to R (4) Hitch R knee (&)
5 6Step R forward (5) 1/2 turn L transferring weight to L (6)
7 8Step R forward (7) Step L forward (8)

C: 32 counts
C(1-8) Step Side Back Rock Recover R L, Rock R Forward, Recover L, Step R, L Coaster
1 2&Big step R with R (1), rock L behind R (2) recover R (&)
3 4&Big step L with L (3) rock R behind L (4) recover L (&)
5&6Rock R forward (5) recover L (&) step R back (6)
7&8Step L back (7) step R next to L (&) step L forward (8)

C(9-16)Touch R with 1/4 L, Side Slide R, Touch L with 1/2 R, Side Slide L, 1/4 L Step Back R, Step Back LRL, Touch R
1 2Make 1/4 turn L, touching R next to L (9:00) (1) big step slide to R with R (toward 12:00) (2)
3 4Make 1/2 turn R, touching L next to R (3:00) (3) big step to L with L (4)
5 6Make 1/4 turn L, stepping back on R (12:00) (5) step back L (6)
7&8Step back R (7) step back L (&) touch R next to L (8)

C(17-24) Rhythm section
1e&aR stomp (1) Clap hands together (e) hit R thigh hands coming downward (&) hit R thigh hands moving upward (a)
2&3&Clap (2) L stomp (&) R stomp (3) L stomp (&)
4&5&Clap (4) R stomp (&) L stomp (5) Clap (&) hit thigh hands moving downward (a) clap (6)
6&7&8R stomp (&) L stomp (7) clap (&) hit R hip while hitching R (8)

(** this section can be double counted 12&3&4 5678 12&3 45678 for ease of teaching… see below)

C(25-32) Rhythm Section
Repeat previous 8 counts (C:17-24)

Note: Percussion Section (C 17-24) Counts if choosing to double count Rhythm Sections only
1 2&3R stomp (1) Clap hands together (2) hit R thigh hands coming downward (&) hit R thigh hands moving upward (3)
4 5 6Clap (4) L stomp (5) R stomp (6)
7 8L stomp (7) Clap (8)

1 2&3R stomp (1) L stomp (2) Clap (&) hit thigh hands moving downward (3)
4 5 6clap (4) R stomp (5) L stomp (6)
7 8clap (7) hit R hip while hitching R (8)


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