High Beginner
Start after 16 counts
Pivot ½ L, ¼ L Chassé, Rock Back Recover, Kick Ball Cross
1-2RF step forward, R+L ½ turn left
3&4RF ¼ left step side, LF together, RF step side
5-6LF rock back, RF recover
7&8LF kick diag. left forward, LF step beside on ball foot, RF cross over [3]
Stomp, Hold, Sailor ¼ R, Walk x2, Shuffle Fwd
1-2LF stomp, hold
3&4RF ¼ right cross behind, LF step beside, RF step slightly forward
5-6LF step forward, RF step forward
7&8LF step forward, RF step beside, LF step forward [6] )**
Rocking Chair, Pivot ¼ L x2
1-4RF rock forward, LF recover, RF rock back, LF recover
5-6RF step forward, R+L ¼ turn left
7-8RF step forward, R+L ¼ turn left [12] )*
Jazz Box ¼ R Cross, Vine ¼ R, Fwd
1-4RF cross over, LF ¼ right step back, RF step side, LF cross over
5-7RF step side, LF cross behind, RF ¼ right step forward
8LF step forward [6]
Start again
)* Dance the 3rd and 6th wall up to and including count 24 (count 8 of the 3rd section) and start again [12].
)** Dance the 10th wall up to and including count 16 (count 8 of the 2nd section) and start again [12]
Pivot ½ L, ¼ L Chassé, Rock Back Recover, Kick Ball Cross
1-2RF step forward, R+L ½ turn left
3&4RF ¼ left step side, LF together, RF step side
5-6LF rock back, RF recover
7&8LF kick diag. left forward, LF step beside on ball foot, RF cross over [3]
Stomp, Hold, Sailor ¼ R, Walk x2, Shuffle Fwd
1-2LF stomp, hold
3&4RF ¼ right cross behind, LF step beside, RF step slightly forward
5-6LF step forward, RF step forward
7&8LF step forward, RF step beside, LF step forward [6] )**
Rocking Chair, Pivot ¼ L x2
1-4RF rock forward, LF recover, RF rock back, LF recover
5-6RF step forward, R+L ¼ turn left
7-8RF step forward, R+L ¼ turn left [12] )*
Jazz Box ¼ R Cross, Vine ¼ R, Fwd
1-4RF cross over, LF ¼ right step back, RF step side, LF cross over
5-7RF step side, LF cross behind, RF ¼ right step forward
8LF step forward [6]
Start again
)* Dance the 3rd and 6th wall up to and including count 24 (count 8 of the 3rd section) and start again [12].
)** Dance the 10th wall up to and including count 16 (count 8 of the 2nd section) and start again [12]