CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 2 Stimmen)
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Kayla Cosgrove (USA) - April 2016
Mayhem - Imelda May
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Sequence: A, B, A-, A, B, C, A, A-, A, B, B, A

A – 48 Counts
A1: Right toe heel cross, Left toe heel cross
1,2,3,4Tap R toe to L instep(1) Tap R heel to L instep(2) Cross R over L(3) Hold(4)
5,6,7,8Tap L toe to R instep(5) Tap L heel to R instep(6) Cross L over R(7) Hold(8)

A2: Right side rock cross, Left side rock cross
1,2,3,4Rock R to R side(1) Recover to L(2) Cross R over L(3) Hold(4)
5,6,7,8Rock L to L Side(5) Recover to R(6) Cross L over R(7) Hold(8)
Note: A- is here | 1st 16 counts of A each time

A3: Right weave, Step tap, ¼ Left, Brush right
1,2,3,4Step R to R side(1) Cross L behind R(2) Step R to R(3) Cross L over R(4)
5,6,7,8Step R to R side(5) Tap L toes to R instep(6) make a ¼ turn L stepping fwd L(7) Brush R foot fwd(8) (9 o’clock)

A4: Step lock step, ¼ Right brush, Cross rock, Side Rock
1,2,3Step R fwd(1) Lock L behind R(2) Step R fwd(3)
4Brush L fwd and around as you make a ¼ turn to the right (12 o’clock)
5,6,7,8Cross rock L over R(5) Recover to R(6) Side rock L to L(7) Recover to R(8)

A5: Modified sailor, Cross, Slide, Tap
1,2,3,4Cross L behind R(1) Step R slightly out to R(2) Step L slightly out to L(3) Cross R behind L(4)
5,6,7,8Large step out to L as you drag R in(5,6,7) Tap R to L(8) (12 o’clock)

A6: Back, 1/2 Left, Step ½ Left, Walk, Hold, Walk, Hold
1,2,3,4Step back on R(1) Turn a ½ L stepping L fwd(2) Step R fwd(3) Turn ½ L stepping fwd L(4)
5,6,7,8Walk fwd R(5) Hold(6) Walk fwd L(7) Hold(8) (12 o’clock)

B- 32 Counts
B1: Shorty George, Step Half, Hold
1&2,3,4Kick R to R angle(1) Step down on R(&)Step L slightly fwd tucking R knee behind L as you bend both knees to L(2) Step R fwd tucking L knee behind R(3) Step L fwd tucking R knee behind L as you bend both knees to L(4)
5,6,7,8Step R fwd(5) Turn ½ L onto to L(6) Step R fwd(7) Hold(8) (6 o’clock)

B2: Shorty George, Step Half, Hold
1&2,3,4Kick L to L angle(1) Step down on L(&)Step R slightly fwd tucking L knee behind R as youbend both knees to R(2) Step L fwd tucking R knee behind L(3) Step R fwd tucking L knee behind R as you bend both knees to R(4) (12 o’clock)
5,6,7,8Step L fwd(5) Turn ½ R onto to R(6) Step L fwd(7) Hold(8) (12 o’clock)

B3: Kick, Kick, Sailor Step, Jazz box ¼ Cross
1,2,3&4Kick R foot front(1) Kick R foot side(2) Step R behind L(3) Step L slightly out(&) Step R to R, Body angle slightly R(4)
5,6,7,8Cross L over R(5) Step R back(6) ¼ L stepping L to L side(3) Cross R over L(8) (9 o’clock)

B4: Tap Kick, Tap Kick, Rock Recover Step, Hold
1,2,3,4Tap L toes slightly behind R heel(1) Kick L foot back as you scoot slightly back on R(2) Tap L toes slightly behind R heel(3) Kick L foot back as you scoot slightly back on R(4)
5,6,7,8Rock Back on L(5) Recover R(6) Step L fwd(7) hold(8) (9 o’clock)

C – 40 Counts – Facing the back wall
C1: Rhumba Box
1,2,3,4Step R to R(1) Step L together(2) Step R back(3) Hold(4)
5,6,7,8Step L to L(5) Step R together(6) Step L fwd(7) Hold(8) (6 o’clock)

C2: Rock Recover Half, Full Turn Step Hold
1,2,3,4Rock R fwd(1) Recover back to L(2) Turn ½ over R stepping R fwd(3) Hold(4)
5,6,7,8Turn ½ R stepping back L(5) Turn ½ turn L stepping R fwd(6) Step L fwd(7) Hold(8)

C3: Rhumba Box
1,2,3,4Step R to R(1) Step L together(2) Step R back(3) Hold(4)
5,6,7,8Step L to L(5) Step R together(6) Step L fwd(7) Hold(8) (12 o’clock)

C4: Rock Recover ¼ Right, Step, Lock Step, Lock
1,2,3,4Rock R fwd(1) Recover to L(2) Turn ¼ turn R stepping R fwd(3) Step L fwd(4)
5,6,7,8Lock R behind L(5) Step to L fwd angle(6) Step R fwd(7) Lock L behind R(8)

C5: Step ¼ Cross, Slide and Shimmy
1,2,3,4Step R fwd(1) Step L fwd(2) Turn ¼ R placing weight on R(3) Cross L over R(4)
5,6,7,8Take a big step to the right as you slide the left foot into the right as you shimmy! (5,6,7) Step L across R(8)
Styling: During slide, as you shimmy face right angle and lean slightly back, standing straight up for count 8

ENDING: You will dance A for the last time facing the front wall up to counts 5,6,7,8 of A4 with the below change to counts 7,8
5,6,7,8Cross rock L over R(5) Recover to R(6) Stomp L to L(7) Stomp R to R(8)

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