CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Five Fingers (Fem Fingrar)

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Hans Palm (SWE) - May 2016
Handens Fem Fingrar - Lisa Nilsson
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Intro: 16 counts

Sequence: 32, 16, 32, Tag, 16, 32, 16, 32, Tag X 3, 32, Tag X 2, 32, 12, 13
Note: The sequence looks complicated but it's rather easy to hear where restarts and tags are from the music.

S1: Lunge L recover ¼ R, full turn R, syncopated rock steps
1,2Lunge L (1) on L, recover and turn ¼ R on R (2) 3:00
3,4Turn ½ R on L (3), turn ½ R on R (4) 3:00
&Step down on L beside R while transferring weight off R foot, keeping ball of R foot on the floor (&)
56&Rock forward on R (5), recover back on L (6), step down R beside while transferring weight off L foot (&)
7,8Rock forward on L (7), recover back on R (8)

S2: Step lock back L R L, shuffle turn ½ R, L rocking chair
1&2Step back on L (1), lock step R back over L (&), step L back (2)
3&4Step R to side while turning ¼ R (3), step L beside R (&), step R forward while turning ¼ R (4) 9:00
5,6,7,8Rock forward on L (5), recover back on R (6), rock back on L (7), recover on R (8)

S3: L to side and ¾ spiral turn R, walk R L, step turn on R ¼ L (prep), triple turn R
1,2Step L to the side (1), spiral turn (distinct) ¾ R with weight on L and finishing with R foot crossed over L (2) 6:00
3,4Walk forward on R (3), walk forward on L (4)
5,6Step forward on R (5), turn body slightly more than ¼ L on R (looking at 3:00) finishing with weight on L foot (6), preparing for triple full turn R towards 3:00
7&8Triple full turn R in place on R (7), L (&), R (8) 3:00

S4: Syncopated cross rocks to R and L, walk L R, slow pivot turn ½ L to L foot, R beside
12&Cross rock L foot over R 1/8 to the right diagonal (1), recover 1/8 L stepping back on R (2), step L slightly to L side (&) 3:00
34&Cross rock R foot over L 1/8 to the left diagonal (3), recover 1/8 R stepping back on L (4), step R slightly to R side (&) 3:00
5,6,7Walk forward on L (5), walk forward on R (6), start slow pivot turn ½ L on R foot (7)
&8Finish turn ½ L and transfer weight to L foot (&) 9:00, step R beside L with weight on R foot (8) to prepare for next wall with lunge on L

Restarts: After 16 counts on wall 2 (6:00), wall 4 (12:00) and wall 6 (6:00). On wall 10 starting at 9:00, continue dancing in the same tempo when the music stops, Restart at 6:00 after 12 counts when music starts again.

Tags: Sway L (1) R (2) after wall 3 at 3:00, repeat 3 times after wall 7 at 3:00 (1-6), repeat 2 times after wall 8 at 12:00 (1-4)

Ending: Ends at the front wall (12:00) after 13 counts on the last wall. After backwards step-lock-step in S2 (1&2), shuffle turn R only ¼ instead of ½ (3&4). Finish by stepping forward on L, slightly crossing over R (5).


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