Improver Mixer or Stationary Partner
Start on vocals
Mixer version
Starting position: Inner circle (Men) facing Outside Line Of Dance and outer circle (women) facing Inside Line Of Dance, man's right shoulder facing lady's one.
Man's footwork and Lady's footwork are the same.
Style: Unless indicated, keep your hands at your waist during the whole dance
Section 1: Heel switches R, L, R, hold + clap x2, R hook, R gallop fwd making a R ½ T, stomp L beside R
1&2&3&4Tap R heel fwd, R beside L, tap L heel fwd, L beside R, tap R heel fwd, clap x2
&5&6&7Hook R over L shin, step R fwd, L beside R, step R fwd, L beside R, step R fwd
8Stomp L beside R
Nota:On counts &5&6&7-8, partners join their right palms at shouder's height and switch sides making a half turn right
Section 2: Repeat section 1
Section 2 is identical to section 1.
Nota: At the end of section 2 the dancers return to the starting position
Section 3: R heel-hook, R side shuffle, L heel-hook-heel-hook, L side shuffle making a L ¼ T
1-2Tap R heel (R diagonal), hook R over L shin
3&4Step R to the R, L beside R, step R to the R
5-6Tap L heel (L diagonal), hook L over R shin
7&8Step L to the L, R beside L, L ¼ T & step L forward
Section 4: R side shuffle, L ¼ T & L side shuffle, L ¼ T & R side shuffle, L ¼ T & L side shuffle
1&2Step R to the R, L beside R, step R to the R
&3&4L ¼ T hitching L, step L to the L, R beside L, step L to the L
&5&6 L ¼ T hitching R, step R to the R, L beside R, step R to the R
&7&8L ¼ T hitching L, step L to the L, R beside L, step L to the L
Section 5: Step R fwd, L ½ T, stomps R, L, R fwd, stomp up L fwd, kick L, L back coaster step,
1-2Step R forward, L ½ T
3&4Stomps R, L, R forward
5-6Stomp up L forward, kick L forward
7&8L back step (on ball), R beside L (on ball), step L forward
Section 6: Stomp up R fwd, kick R, shuffle R ½ T , large step L to the L, drag R beside L, clap x3
1-2Stomp up R forward, kick R forward
3&4R ¼ T & step R to the R, L beside R, R ¼ T & step R forward
5-6Large step L to the L, drag R beside L
7&8Clap x3 in your new partner's hands (turn your body in R diagonal)
Nota: Pick up a new partner on counts 5-6
Stationary version keeping the same partner:
Section 6, replace counts 5-6 with:
Stomp L in place, stomp up R beside L
Have fun with this dance...
Mixer version
Starting position: Inner circle (Men) facing Outside Line Of Dance and outer circle (women) facing Inside Line Of Dance, man's right shoulder facing lady's one.
Man's footwork and Lady's footwork are the same.
Style: Unless indicated, keep your hands at your waist during the whole dance
Section 1: Heel switches R, L, R, hold + clap x2, R hook, R gallop fwd making a R ½ T, stomp L beside R
1&2&3&4Tap R heel fwd, R beside L, tap L heel fwd, L beside R, tap R heel fwd, clap x2
&5&6&7Hook R over L shin, step R fwd, L beside R, step R fwd, L beside R, step R fwd
8Stomp L beside R
Nota:On counts &5&6&7-8, partners join their right palms at shouder's height and switch sides making a half turn right
Section 2: Repeat section 1
Section 2 is identical to section 1.
Nota: At the end of section 2 the dancers return to the starting position
Section 3: R heel-hook, R side shuffle, L heel-hook-heel-hook, L side shuffle making a L ¼ T
1-2Tap R heel (R diagonal), hook R over L shin
3&4Step R to the R, L beside R, step R to the R
5-6Tap L heel (L diagonal), hook L over R shin
7&8Step L to the L, R beside L, L ¼ T & step L forward
Section 4: R side shuffle, L ¼ T & L side shuffle, L ¼ T & R side shuffle, L ¼ T & L side shuffle
1&2Step R to the R, L beside R, step R to the R
&3&4L ¼ T hitching L, step L to the L, R beside L, step L to the L
&5&6 L ¼ T hitching R, step R to the R, L beside R, step R to the R
&7&8L ¼ T hitching L, step L to the L, R beside L, step L to the L
Section 5: Step R fwd, L ½ T, stomps R, L, R fwd, stomp up L fwd, kick L, L back coaster step,
1-2Step R forward, L ½ T
3&4Stomps R, L, R forward
5-6Stomp up L forward, kick L forward
7&8L back step (on ball), R beside L (on ball), step L forward
Section 6: Stomp up R fwd, kick R, shuffle R ½ T , large step L to the L, drag R beside L, clap x3
1-2Stomp up R forward, kick R forward
3&4R ¼ T & step R to the R, L beside R, R ¼ T & step R forward
5-6Large step L to the L, drag R beside L
7&8Clap x3 in your new partner's hands (turn your body in R diagonal)
Nota: Pick up a new partner on counts 5-6
Stationary version keeping the same partner:
Section 6, replace counts 5-6 with:
Stomp L in place, stomp up R beside L
Have fun with this dance...