Start after 32-counts
Back Toe Strut (x2), Coaster Step, Fwd
1 2Point R toe back, step down on R
3 4Point L toe back, step down on L
5 6 7 8Step back on R, step L together, step fwd on R, step fwd on L (12:00)
Diagonal Step-Lock-Step-Touch (x2)
1 2Step R fwd on right diagonal, lock-step L behind R
3 4Step R fwd on right diagonal, touch L beside R
5 6Step L fwd on left diagonal, lock-step R behind L
7 8Step L fwd on left diagonal, touch R beside L (12:00)
Restart here on Wall 6
Fwd-Fwd, Pivot ½ R, Fwd, Fwd, Hold, Fwd, Point
1 2Step R fwd, step L fwd
3 4Pivot ½ R weight on R, step L fwd (6:00)
5 6Step R fwd, hold
7 8Step L fwd, point R to right side (6:00)
Jazz Box, Fwd Coaster, Back
1 2Cross-step R over L, step L back
3 4Step R to side, step L together
5 6 7 8Step R fwd, step L together, step R back, step L back (6:00)
RESTART: One Restart on Wall 6 after 16 counts. You will Restart facing 6:00.
END: On Wall 15, continue dancing as the music fades and end at Count 24 as you point R to the side. You will be facing 12:00
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Back Toe Strut (x2), Coaster Step, Fwd
1 2Point R toe back, step down on R
3 4Point L toe back, step down on L
5 6 7 8Step back on R, step L together, step fwd on R, step fwd on L (12:00)
Diagonal Step-Lock-Step-Touch (x2)
1 2Step R fwd on right diagonal, lock-step L behind R
3 4Step R fwd on right diagonal, touch L beside R
5 6Step L fwd on left diagonal, lock-step R behind L
7 8Step L fwd on left diagonal, touch R beside L (12:00)
Restart here on Wall 6
Fwd-Fwd, Pivot ½ R, Fwd, Fwd, Hold, Fwd, Point
1 2Step R fwd, step L fwd
3 4Pivot ½ R weight on R, step L fwd (6:00)
5 6Step R fwd, hold
7 8Step L fwd, point R to right side (6:00)
Jazz Box, Fwd Coaster, Back
1 2Cross-step R over L, step L back
3 4Step R to side, step L together
5 6 7 8Step R fwd, step L together, step R back, step L back (6:00)
RESTART: One Restart on Wall 6 after 16 counts. You will Restart facing 6:00.
END: On Wall 15, continue dancing as the music fades and end at Count 24 as you point R to the side. You will be facing 12:00
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