Easy Intermediate
Start after 16 count
A: Rock back recover right-1/4 turn left -triple step back-hold
1 - 2rock back right, recover on left
3 - 4turning 1/4 left step right back, hold (9:00)
5 - 8step back left, right, left, hold
B: Turn1/4 right-full turn spiral-walk walk-turn1/4 left-hold
1 - 2turning 1/4 right and step right to right side (12:00), turning 1/4 left recover on left (9:00)
3 - 4step right forward full turn spiral
5 - 6walk left ,right (9:00)
7 - 8turning 1/4 right step left to left side, hold (12:00)
C: Hip sway-sweep right back-step right behind left-step left -step R forward-hold
1 - 3hips sway right ,left ,right
4step left beside right sweep right back
5 - 8step right behind left,step left to left side, step R forward, hold
D: Pivot 1/2 right-turn1/4 right long step left-back recover R-sweep turn spiral 1/2. left
1 - 2step left forward, turn 1/2 right
3 - 4turning 1/4 right, long step left (9:00)
5 - 6step right back, recover on left
7 - 8turn 1/2 left sweep right, touch right beside left(3:00)
Ending: after 12 count you can full turn spin 3x
Contact: Submitted by Rara ~
A: Rock back recover right-1/4 turn left -triple step back-hold
1 - 2rock back right, recover on left
3 - 4turning 1/4 left step right back, hold (9:00)
5 - 8step back left, right, left, hold
B: Turn1/4 right-full turn spiral-walk walk-turn1/4 left-hold
1 - 2turning 1/4 right and step right to right side (12:00), turning 1/4 left recover on left (9:00)
3 - 4step right forward full turn spiral
5 - 6walk left ,right (9:00)
7 - 8turning 1/4 right step left to left side, hold (12:00)
C: Hip sway-sweep right back-step right behind left-step left -step R forward-hold
1 - 3hips sway right ,left ,right
4step left beside right sweep right back
5 - 8step right behind left,step left to left side, step R forward, hold
D: Pivot 1/2 right-turn1/4 right long step left-back recover R-sweep turn spiral 1/2. left
1 - 2step left forward, turn 1/2 right
3 - 4turning 1/4 right, long step left (9:00)
5 - 6step right back, recover on left
7 - 8turn 1/2 left sweep right, touch right beside left(3:00)
Ending: after 12 count you can full turn spin 3x
Contact: Submitted by Rara ~