CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Low Intermediate
Jessica van Ostaeyen (DE) - April 2016
I Like It Like That - The BossHoss : (Album: Dos Bros)
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Start after 32 counts (18 secs) - Starting position: right foot standing in front of left foot

[1-8] Swivel 1/4 Turn Left, Cross Shuffle R, Sweep, Cross Shuffle L
1&2Heels to right, heels to centre and heels to right with 1/4 turn left
3&4Cross right over left, step left next to right, cross right over left
5-6Sweep left toe in half circle from back to front
7&8Cross left over right, step right next to left, cross left over right

[9-16] Side Rock R, Behind-1/4 Turn Left-Forward, Step 1/2 Turn Right, L Step, R Step
1-2Rock right to right, recover to left
3&4Cross right behind left, make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left, step forward on right
5-6step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right (weight on right)
7-8step left forward, step right forward
On wall 1 & 4 insert tag 1 here and restart

[17-24] L Shuffle, R Shuffle, Cross, Side, L Big Step & Drag
1&2Step forward on left foot, close right foot besides left, step forward on left foot
3&4Step forward on right foot, close left foot besides right, step forward on right foot
5-6Cross left over right, step right to right
7-8Big step with left to left and drag right next to left

[25-32] Mambo 1/4 Turn R, Kick Ball Change, 4 Walks
1&2Rock right forward, lift and replace left foot in place, 1/4 turn right with right
3&4Kick left forward, step left in place, quickly step right in place
5-6walk left, right
On wall 8, leave out the next two counts and dance Tag 2 instead & Restart
7-8walk left, right (end with right foot in front of left foot)

Tag 1:After 16 counts on walls 1 & 4
1-2Left toe, left heel
3 a4Step left in front of right, quick heel fan
5-6Right toe, right heel
7 a8Step right in front of left, quick heel fan

Tag 2: / Restart!: On wall 8, omitting the last two counts:
7-8Left toe strut backwards
1-2Right toe strut backwards
3-4Left toe strut backwards (end with right foot in front of left foot)


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