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How Do You Do (With The Midnight Crew)

( 6 Stimmen)
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Easy Intermediate
Tessa Jansen (NL) - April 2016
How Do You Do - Karen Mcdawn
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Intro: 32 counts (app. 15 sec.)

S1: R Chassé, Back Rock, 2x ¼ Turn R, Cross, Hold (Clap)
1&2Step R to R Side, L step next to R, R step to R Side
3-4Rock L behind R, Recover on R
5-6¼ Turn R step L Back, ¼ R step R to R Side
7-8L Cross over R, Hold (Clap)

S2: Side Rock, R Sailor Step, L ¼ Sailor Step, Toe Strut
1-2R Rock to R side, Recover on L
3&4Cross R behind L, Step L to L Side, Step R to R Side
5&6¼ L stepping back on L, Step R to R Side, Step L Fwd
7-8Touch R Toe Fwd, Drop R Heel

S3: Shuffle Fwd, ½ Pivot L, 2x Cross Touch
1&2Step L Fwd, R next to L, Step L Fwd
3-4Step R Fwd, ½ Turn L Pivot
5-6Cross R over L, Touch L to L Side
7-8Cross L over R, Touch R to R Side

S4: Cross, Unwind ½ Turn R, Kick Ball Change, Big Step, Touch, Knee Pops L/R
1-2Cross R behind L, Unwind ½ Turn over R Shoulder (weight on R)
3&4Kick L fwd, Step L next to R, R step in place
5-6Big Step fwd on L, Drag R next to L and Touch
7-8Pop L Knee in, Pop R Knee in

TAGS:- After Wall 2, Wall 6 and Wall 10 attach 4 Knee Pops (L-R-L-R) so 6 in total.
All Tags are at 6.00

END: -Wall 13 starts at 12 'o clock; The dance finishes on S2 counts 5&6, then step Fwd on R, Turn ¼ L to finish at 12.00

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