CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 3 Stimmen)
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Ellen Reynaud (IRE) - March 2016
That Girl Is A Cowboy - Garth Brooks
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Section 1: Forward Rock Shuffle Back, Back Rock Shuffle Forward
1,23&4Rock forward on right foot, shuffle back, right left right
5,6,7&8Back rock on left foot, shuffle forward, left right left

Section 2: Cross point x 2, weave left
1,2,3,4Cross right foot over left, point left foot to left side, cross left foot over right foot, point right to right side
5,6,7,8Cross right foot over left, step left foot to left side, step right behind left, step left foot to left side

Section 3: Cross rock shuffle x 2
1,2,3&4Cross rock right over left, recover on left foot, step right foot to right side, close left beside right, step right to right side
5,6,7&8Cross rock left over right, recover on right, step left foot to left side, close right to left, step left to left side

Section 4: Step brush x 2, box ¼ turn right
1,2,3,4Step forward on right, brush left foot forward, step forward on left, brush right foot forward
5,6,7,8.Cross right over left, step back on left, turn ¼ turn right stepping right foot to right side, step left foot forward

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At the end of wall 9 .... at a rocking chair – forward and back on the right foot
At the end of wall 10 .... music slows down, you will be on 6 o’clock wall .... after the box step add four sways, right, left, right, left, begin again when the music restarts.



ROSIE March 27, 2016
Well done Ellen nice wee beginner dance.

Nell March 27, 2016
Thank you Rosie

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