CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157902
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She Makes Me Happy

( 3 Stimmen)
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Intermediate ECS
Astrid Kaeswurm (DE) - March 2016
24-7-365 - Neal McCoy
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Intro: 16 Counts – start with vocals

[1 – 8] R Kick Fwd + Side, Sailor Step, L Kick Fwd + Side, Sailor ¼ Turn L
1, 2R kick forward, R kick diagonal forward
3 & 4R step behind L, L step side, weight change to R
5, 6L kick forward, L kick diagonal forward
7 & 8L step behind R, ¼ Turn L + weight change to L

[9 – 16] Shuffle R, Rock Step back, Shuffle L, ½ Turn R, Shuffle R
1 & 2R step to side, L together R, R step side
3, 4L step back, weight change to R
5 & 6 &L step to side, R together L, L side, ½ Turn R on L
7 & 8R step to side, L together R, R side

[17 – 24] Rocking Chair, Step ½ Turn, Shuffle L Fwd
1, 2, 3, 4L step forward, weight change to R, L step back, weight change to R
5, 6L step forward, ½ Turn R, weight change to R
7 & 8L step forward, R together L, L forward

[25 – 32] 2 x ¼ Step Turn, Jazz Box With Cross
1, 2, 3, 4R forward, ¼ Turn L, R forward, ¼ Turn L
5, 6, 7, 8R cross over L, L back, R side, L cross over R

[33 – 40] Shuffle R, Lock unwind ½ Turn, Kick Ball Step, Step ¼ Turn L
1 & 2R step to side, L together R, R step side
3, 4L cross behind R, ½ Turn L
5 & 6R kick forward, R together L, L forward
7, 8R forward, ¼ Turn L

[41 – 48] Cross Point Behind Point Touch Kick, Behind Side Cross
1, 2R cross over L, L touch side
3, 4L cross behind R, R touch side
5, 6R touch to L, R kick diagonal forward
7 & 8R cross behind L, L step side, R cross over L

[49 – 56] Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Side Together, Side Together
1, 2L step side, weight change to R
3 & 4L cross behind R, R step side, L cross over R
5, 6, 7, 8R step side, L together R, R step side, L together R,

[57 – 64] R Step fwd, Heel Ups 3 x, Out out clap, in in clap
1R step forward
& 2 & 3 & 43 times rise up both heels and heels down to floor. In this time dance ¼ Turn L
& 5, 6R small step R side, L small step L side, clap
& 7, 8R small step to center, L small step to center, clap


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