前奏: Start dance 32 counts in on vocals
第一段 |
Syncopated Vine, Point Side, Step
Across, Step Back ¼ Turn, Coaster Step |
1-4 |
Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, cross
left over right, touch right to side 右足右踏, 左足於右足後交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右點 |
5-6 |
Cross right over left, step left back turn ¼ right 右足於左足前交叉踏, 右轉90度左足後踏 |
7&8 |
Step right back, step together with the left, step right forward 右足後踏, 左足併踏, 右足前踏 |
第二段 |
Rock Step Forward, Coaster Step, Walk
Around ½ Turn |
1-2 |
Rock left forward, recover to the right 左足前下沉, 右足回復 |
3&4 |
Step left back, step together with the right, step left forward 左足後踏, 右足併踏, 左足前踏 |
5-8 |
Walk forward turn ½ left and step right, left, right, left 以四走步左轉180度-右, 左, 右, 左 |
第三段 |
Step Across, Step Side, Sailor Step,
Step Across, Step Side, Sailor Step |
1-2 |
Cross right over left, step left to side 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足左踏 |
3&4 |
Right sailor step 右水手步 |
5-6 |
Cross left over right, step right to side 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右踏 |
7&8 |
Left sailor step 左水手步 |
第四段 |
Step Across, Step Back ¼ Turn, Side
Shuffle ¼ Turn, Modified Jazz Box |
1-2 |
Cross right over left, step left back turn ¼ right 右足於左足前交叉踏, 右轉90度左足後踏 |
3&4 |
Shuffle to the right side while making a turn ¼ right and step right,
left, right 右90度轉交換-右, 左, 右 |
5-8 |
Cross left over right, step right back, step left to side, cross right
over left 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足後踏, 左足左踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
第五段 |
Step Side, Step Behind, Side Touch, Step Across, Step
Side, Step Behind, Side Touch, Step Across |
1-2 |
Step left to side, cross right behind left 左足左踏, 右足於左足後交叉踏 |
3-4 |
Touch left to side, cross left over right 左足左點, 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
5-6 |
Step right to side, cross left behind right 右足右踏, 左足於右足後交叉踏 |
7-8 |
Touch right to side, cross right over left 右足右點, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
第六段 |
Point Side, Step Across, Point Side, Step Across, Step
Back ¼ Turn, Coaster Step, Step Forward |
1-3 |
Touch left to side, cross left over right, touch right to side 左足左點, 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右點 |
4-5 |
Cross right over left, step left back turn ¼ right 右足於左足前交叉踏, 右轉90度左足後踏 |
6&7 |
Step right back, step left together, step right forward 右足後踏, 左足併踏, 右足前踏 |
8 |
Step left forward 左足前踏 |
第七段 |
Walk Forward 2x's, Pivot ½ Turn, Kick Ball Touch, Ball
Kick, Ball Kick |
1-2 |
Step right forward, step left forward 右足前踏, 左足前踏 |
3-4 |
Step right forward, pivot turn ½ left taking weight on left 右足前踏, 左軸轉180度 |
the 2nd & 4th wall, dance up to count 52. Start dance from
the beginning 第二面牆及第四面牆, 跳至此, 從頭起跳 |
5&6& |
Kick right forward, step right home, touch left together, step left home 右足前踢, 右足踏, 左足前點, 左足踏 |
7&8& |
Kick right forward, step right home, kick left forward, step left home 右足前踢, 右足踏, 左足前踢, 左足踏 |
第八段 |
Touch Home, Ball Kick, Ball Rock Step Forward, Step
Forward ½ Turn, Full Turn, Step Forward |
1&2& |
Touch right together, step right home, kick left forward, step left home 右足併點, 右足踏, 左足前踢, 左足踏 |
3 4 |
Rock right forward, recover to left
右足前下沉, 左足回復 |
5-8 |
Step right forward turn ½ right, step right back turn ½ right, step
right forward turn ½ right, step left forward 右轉180度右足前踏, 右轉180度右足後踏, 右轉180度右足前踏, 左足前踏 |