CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Crazy Cups

( 1 Stimmen)
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Gary Spurway (UK) - February 2016
Cups - Pitch Perfect Cover, Sam Tsui, Alex G, Kina Grannis. Kurt Schneider
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Grapevine right, slap left, grapevine left, slap right
1-2step right to right, step left behind right
3-4step right to right, slap left foot with right hand behind
5-6step left to left, step right behind left
7-8step left to left, slap right foot with left hand behind

Right toe fan, rock half turn, brush
1-4step right foot forward, toe fan out, in, out (put weight on right)
5-8rock forward left, rock back, half turn, brush right foot

Right toe fan, rock quarter turn brush
1-4step right foot forward, toe fan out, in, out (put weight on right)
5-8rock forward left, rock back, quarter turn to left as you step to left ,brush right over left

Right cross shuffle to left, rock, coaster step, hold, brush
1&2cross right in front of left, step left next to right, cross right in front of left
3-4left to left side, weight back on right
5&6step left back, right next to left, step left forward
7-8hold, brush right foot forward

Restart on wall 3
Do first 8 counts and Restart

Tag (48c) on end of wall 5(facing 12 o'clock)
Monterey turns
1-4Point right toe out, in, quarter turn, point left out, in
5-8Point right toe out, in, quarter turn, point left out, in

Walk forward, kick, walk back, point
1-4Walk forward right, left, right kick left and clap
5-8Walk back left, right, left point out right and clap

Cross point, cross point, quarter turning jazz box,
1-2Step right in front of left, point left toe out and clap
3-4Step left in front of right, point right toe out and clap
5-6Cross right in front of left, step back on left
7-8Quarter turn as you step back on right, cross left in front of right

Toe strut x2 chasse right, rock back,
1-4Step right toe to right side and place heel down, left toe in front of right and heel down
5&6Step right to side, left next to right, right to right side
7-8Rock left, behind right and recover

Toe strut x2 chasse left, rock back
1-4Step left toe to left side and place heel down, right toe in front of left and heel down
5&6Step left to side, right next to left, step left to side
7-8Rock right behind left and recover

"K" step with claps
1-2Step right foot diagonal forward and left to it clap
3-4Step left back to position and right next to it clap
5-6Step right back diagonal and left next to it clap
7-8Step left back to position and right next to it clap
Restart from beginning, dance until end of song


Last Update – 15th Feb. 2016

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