第一段 |
Rock Forward, Recover,
Step Lock Back; Rock Back, Recover, Step Lock Forward 前下沉, 回復, 後鎖步, 後下沉, 回復, 前鎖步 |
1-2 |
Rock forward on R, recover back on L 右足前下沉,左足回復 |
3&4 |
Step back on R, cross L over R, step
back on R (step lock back at slight angle)右足後踏,左足交叉於右足前,右足後踏(後鎖步) |
5-6 |
Rock back on L, recover forward on R 左足後下沉,左足前回復 |
7&8 |
forward on L, lock R behind L, step forward on L 左足前踏,右足交叉於左足後,左足前踏(前鎖步) |
第二段 |
Side Rock, Recover, Cross
Over Toe Strut; Side Rock, Recover, Cross Over Toe Strut 側下沉, 回復, 前交叉趾踵步, 側下沉, 回復, 前交叉趾踵 |
1-4 |
Rock R to R side,
recover on L, cross and point R toe over L, bring R heel down (weight on R) 右足右下沉,左足回復,右足趾交叉與左足同時指向左側,右踵踏下(重心右足) |
5-8 |
Rock L to L side,
recover on R, cross and point L toe over R, bring L heel down (weight on L) 左足左下沉,右足回復,左足趾交叉與右足同時指向右側,左踵踏下(重心左足) |
第三段 |
1/2 Turn L, Shuffle
Forward; 1/2 Turn R, Shuffle Forward 左轉1/2, 前交換步, 右轉1/2, 前交換步 |
1-2 |
forward on R, pivot 1/2 turn L (weight goes forward on L) 右足前踏,左轉180度(重心向前移至左足) |
3&4 |
forward R, L, R 前交換步(右、左、右) |
5-6 |
forward on L, pivot 1/2 turn R (weight goes forward on R) 左足前踏,右轉180度(重心向前移至右足) |
7&8 |
forward L, R, L 前交換步(左、右、左) |
第四段 |
Two 1/4 Turns L, Out-Out, Hold With A Clap, In-In, Hold with a
Clap 左轉1/4二次, 外踏-外踏, 候拍手, 內踏-內踏, 候拍手 |
1-2 |
Make two
1/4 turns L by stepping slightly forward on R, turn 1/4 L (for styling, you
can rotate hips Counter clockwise (weight ends on L) 右足略為前踏做2次90度左轉,左轉90度(可用逆時針方向旋轉臀部)(結束時重心放在左足) |
3-4 |
steps 1-2 above 重複1-2拍 |
&5-6 |
Step R
slightly out to R side, step L out slightly to L side, hold as you clap 右足些微右踏,左足些微左踏,候,同時拍手 |
&7-8 |
Bring R into center, bring L next to R,
hold as you clap (weight on L) 右足移向中央左足靠併,候,同時拍手(重心左足) |
第五段 |
蒙特瑞轉, 前重踏, 候拍手 |
1-2 |
Make a Monterey turn by pointing R to R
side, on the ball of L make a 1/2 turn R and step down on R 右足向右側指,以左足掌做右後轉,右足踏下 |
3-4 |
Point L to L side, step L next to R (weight
on L) 左足向左側指,左足靠併右足(重心左足) |
5-6& |
Stomp R forward (styling note : bend R knee
and push L hip out), hold as you clap twice for counts 6 & 右足前重踏(左膝彎曲將左臀外推),候,同時拍手2次 |
7-8 |
Stomp L forward for count 7 (styling note:
bend L knee as you push R hip out), hold as you clap on count 8 左足前重踏(左膝彎曲將右臀外推),候,同時拍手 |
第六段 |
Repeat Set 5 Above 重複第五段 |
第七段 |
Vine R , Step Together, Swivel or Twist
Traveling L 右華倫步, 併踏, 雙足向左轉 |
1-4 |
Vine R by stepping R to R side, step L
behind R, step R to R side, step L next to R (weight evenly on both feet) 右足右踏,左足交叉於右足後,右足右踏,左足靠併(重心雙足) |
5-8 |
Swivel heels to L, toes L, heels L, toes
center, weight ending on L (For variation, as you travel to your L try
bringing toes out as heels come inwards, fan heels out as toes come inwards,
bringing toes out as heels come inwards, swiveling toes in as heels fan out,
weight ends on L) 向左旋轉(足踵、足趾、足踵)足趾向中央(結束時重心在左足) |
第八段 |
Vine R, Step Together, Swivel or Twist 1/4 L 右華倫步, 併踏, 雙足向左轉1/4 |
1-4 |
Vine R by stepping R to R side, step L
behind R, step R to R side, step L next to R (weight evenly on both feet) 右足右踏,左足交叉於右足後,右足右踏,左足靠併(重心雙足) |
5-8 |
As you swivel heels to L, toes to L, heels
to L, toes to L make a 1/4 turn to L with weight ending on L (do the
variation above but make sure to complete a 1/4 turn L with weight ending on
L) 向左旋轉(足踵、足趾、足踵)足趾向左並左轉90度(結束時重心在左足) |