CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 8 Stimmen)
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Jennifer Choo, Ivy Low (MY), Jasmine Leong (MY) & Wendee Chen (MY) - January 2016
G.I.G. - Elite : (Album: Catwalk - iTunes)
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Start dance on vocals after 6x8’s.

SET 1: Prissy Walks with Hitch, C Bumps, ½L Pivot
1-4Cross RF over LF, Hitch L Knee, Cross LF over RF, Hitch R Knee 12:00
5&6Touch R toes fwd and bump R hip upwards, Recover Hip to center, bump R hip downwards 12:00
&7Recover hip to center, Bump R hip upwards 12:00
&8Recover hip to center, Execute a ½L by shifting weight on RF 6:00
Arm &5 - With straight elbow, swing right arm upwards (clockwise), stopping at 12:00
&6 -Swing right arm downwards (anticlockwise), stopping at 6:00
&7 -Swing right arm upwards (clockwise), stopping at 12:00
&8 –Swing right arm downward (anticlockwise), stopping at 9:00 and Push out R elbow to R with head still looking at 12:00

SET 2: 3 Walks, Point, R Body Rolls into sit, L Body rolls into sit
1-4Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd, Step LF fwd, Point RF to R 6:00
5-6Raise on ball of LF, Roll body into a sit on R hip 6:00
7-8Raise on balls of RF, Roll body into a sit on L hip 6:00

SET 3: Syncopated Fwd Rocks, Press Recover, ½R Press Recover, ½R Press recover
1-2&Rock RF fwd, Recover on LF, Close RF next to LF 6:00
3-4&Rock LF fwd, Recover on RF, Close LF next to RF 6:00
5&6&Rock RF fwd, Recover on LF, ½R on LF pressing RF fwd, Recover on LF 12:00
7&8½R on LF pressing RF fwd, Recover on LF, Close RF next to LF 6:00
Easier option: 5&6&7&8: R Rocking Chair, R Fwd Mambo

SET 4: Walk Walk, Out Out, Wobbly Knees
1-4Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd, Step LF to L, Step RF to R 6:00
5-8On balls of feet and both knees bent, wobble your knees towards each other 4 times (they will spring out themselves!) with weight ending on LF on count 8. 6:00

SET 5: Kick and Back Rock 2X, ¼R fwd shuffle, ½L fwd shuffle
1&2&Kick RF fwd, Close RF next to LF, Rock LF back, Recover on RF 6:00
3&4&Kick LF fwd, Close LF next to RF, Rock RF back, Recover on LF 6:00
5&6¼R Step RF fwd, Close LF next to RF, Step RF fwd 9:00
7&8Execute a ½L Step RF fwd, Close RF next to LF, Step LF fwd 3:00

SET 6: Rock Recover, R Coaster, Kick and ¼L Point, Hold, Together side
1-2Rock RF fwd, Recover on LF 3:00
3&4Step back on RF, Step LF next to RF, Step RF fwd 3:00
5&6Kick LF fwd, ¼L step LF next to RF, Point RF to R 12:00
7&8Hold, Close RF next to LF, Step LF to L 12:00

SET 7: Cross Point, Cross Point, Fwd Hold, ½L pivot with a Big Hip Roll
1-4Cross RF over LF, Point LF to L, Cross LF over RF, Point RF to R 12:00
5-6Step RF fwd, Hold 12:00
7-8Execute a ½L Pivot with a counter clockwise hip roll and weight ending on LF 6:00

SET 8: Out Out In In, 4x ¼L Point Paddles (Or freestyle!)
1-4Step RF to R diag fwd, Step LF to L diag fwd, Step RF In, Close LF next to RF 6:00
5-8¼L point RF to R, ¼L point RF to R, ¼L point RF to R, ¼L point RF to R (Or do any freestyle) 6:00

Start Again! No Tags! No Restarts! Enjoy and dance with attitude! :-D

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