CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sky High (飛上青天) (zh)

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Kate Sala (UK) - 2007年01月
Fly Away - Lutricia McNeal : (Album: Greatest Hits)
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前奏: Start after a 64 count intro. On main vocals.
R Side Rock, Sailor Step With ¼ Turn R, Step, Pivot ¾ Turn R, L Chasse.
右下沉, 回復, 1/4水手, 3/4, 左追步
1 2
Rock on R out to R side. Recover on to L.
右足右下沉, 左足回復
3 & 4
Cross step R behind L. Turn ¼ R stepping on L small step to L side. Step forward on R.  右足於左足後交叉踏, 右轉90度左足左踏, 右足前踏
5 6
Step forward on L. Pivot ¾ Turn R. (Facing 12 o’clock).
左足前踏, 右轉270(面向12點鐘)
7 & 8
Step L to L side. Step R next to L. Step L to L side.
左足左踏, 右足併踏, 左足左踏
Rock Back, Forward Step, Touch Behind, Back Lock Step, Touch Back, Reverse ½ Pivot R. 後下沉 回復, 前踏 後點, 後鎖步, 後點 轉
1 2
Rock back on R. Rock forward on L.
右足後下沉, 左足回復
3 4
Step forward on R. Touch left toe behind R.
右足前踏, 左足趾後點
5 & 6
Step back on L. Lock step R in front of L. Step back on L.
左足後踏, 右足於左足前鎖踏, 左足後踏
7 8
Touch right toe back. Pivot ½ turn R (weight on R).
右足趾後點, 右軸轉180(重心在右足)
Step, Pivot ½ Turn R, Scuff Hitch Stomp, Step Forward, Tap & Heel & Tap.
踏 轉, 擦踢 抬 重踏, , 後點 後 前點 踏 併點
1 2
Step forward on L. Pivot ½ turn R. (Facing 12 o’clock).
左足前踏, 右軸轉180(面向12點鐘)
3 & 4
Scuff L forward. Hitch L knee. Stomp L forward.
左足擦踢, 左膝抬, 左足前重踏
Step forward on R.  右足前踏
6 & 7
Tap L toe behind R foot. Step small step back on L. Dig R heel forward.
左足趾於右足後點, 左足略後踏, 右足趾前點
& 8
Step R down in place. Tap L toe next to R instep.
右足踏, 左足趾併點
L side Rock, Sailor Step With ¼ Turn L, Step, Pivot ¾ Turn L, R Chasse.
左下沉 回復, 1/4轉水手, 踏 轉3/4, 右追步
1 2
Rock on L out to L side. Recover on to R.
左足左下沉, 右足回復
3 & 4
Cross step L behind R. Turn ¼ L stepping on R small step to R side. Step forward on L.  左足於右足後交叉踏, 左轉90度右足右踏, 左足前踏
5 6
Step forward on R. Pivot ¾ turn L. (Facing 12 o’clock).
右足前踏, 左軸轉270(面向12點鐘)
7 & 8
Step R to R side. Step L next to R. Step R to R side.
右足右踏, 左足併踏, 右足右踏
Cross Behind, Side Touch, Cross Behind, Side Touch, Cross In front, Unwind ½ Turn R, Jump feet Apart, Pop Knee In, Turn knee Out, Hold.
後交叉, 右點, 後交叉, 左點, 前交叉, 繞轉, 腳分開, 膝彈內, 膝彈外,
1 2
Cross step L behind R. Touch R toe out to R side.
左足於右足後交叉踏, 右足右點
3 4
Cross step R behind L. Touch L toe out to L side.
右足於左足後交叉踏, 左足趾左點
5 6
Cross step L over R. Unwind ½ turn R. (Facing 6 o’clock).
左足於右足前交叉踏, 右繞轉180(面向6點鐘)
& 7
Jump feet apart on R then L.  腳分別跳開-,
8 1
Pop R knee in towards L. Turn R knee out again taking the weight on R.  右膝彈, 右膝轉向外重心在右足
Sailor Step ¼ Turn L, R Shuffle, Full Turn R.
1/4轉水手, 前交換, 轉 轉
3 & 4
Cross step L behind R. Turn ¼ L Stepping on R small step to R side. Step forward on L.  左足於右足後交叉踏, 左轉90度右足右踏, 左足前踏
5 & 6
Step forward on R. step L next to R. Step forward on R. (Facing 3 o’clock)  右足前踏, 左足併踏, 右足前踏(面向3點鐘)
7 8
Turn ½ R stepping back on L. Turn ½ R stepping forward on R.
右轉180度左足後踏, 右轉180度右足前踏
Forward Rock, Step Back, Cross, Step Back, Side Step, Cross Step, Unwind 1/2 turn R. 下沉 回復, 後 交叉, 後 右踏, 交叉 繞轉
1 2
Rock forward on L. Rock back on R. 
左足前下沉, 右足回復
3 4
Step L back to L diagonal. Cross step R over L.
左足左斜角後踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏
5 6
Step L back to L diagonal. Step R out to R side.
左足左斜角後踏, 右足右踏
7 8
Cross step L over R. Unwind ½ turn R.
左足於右足前交叉踏, 右繞轉180
Rock Back, Shuffle ½ Turn L, Rock Back, Step Forward, Scuff.
後下沉 回復, 轉交換, 後下沉 回復, 踏 擦踢
1 2
Rock back on R. Rock forward on L.
右足後下沉, 左足回復
3 & 4
Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side. Step L next to R. Turn ¼ L stepping back on R.  左轉90度右足右踏, 左足併踏, 左轉90度右足後踏
5 6
Rock back on L. Rock forward on R.
左足後下沉, 右足回復
7 8
Step forward on L. Scuff R foot forward next to L.
左足前踏, 右足擦踢
TAG: At the END of wall 5, facing 3 0’clock.
加拍:第五面牆結束時, 面向3點鐘
1 2 3 4
Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Rock forward on R. Rock back on L.
右足前下沉, 左足回復, 右足前下沉, 左足回復
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