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Silver Bells of Christmas

( 8 Stimmen)
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Easy Intermediate waltz
Sandy Kerrigan (AUS) - November 2015
Silver Bells - Perry Como : (Album: The Lemon Drop Kid - iTunes)
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Dance Info: Dance Starts On Lyrics-Wt on L-BPM [161]

S1: Right Cross Twinkle, Cross, ¼ Back, Step Side 9:00
1 2 3Cross R over L, Rock L to L Side, Replace R to R Side,
4 5 6Cross L over R, Turn ¼ L-Step Back on L, Step L to L Side

S2: Right Cross Twinkle, Cross, ¼ Back, Hook L over R 6:00
1 2 3Cross R over L, Rock L to L Side, Replace R to R Side,
4 5 6Cross L over R, Turn ¼ L-Step Back on R, Hook L over R

S3: Left Basic Waltz Fwd, Right Basic Waltz Back 6:00
1 2 3Step Fwd L, Step R next to L, Step L to R,
4 5 6Step Back R, Step L next to R, Step R to L

S4: Basic Fwd Waltz with ½ Turn, Step Back, ¼ L Step Side, Right Side Rock 9:00
1 2 3Step Fwd L, Turn ½ L-Step R next to L, Step L next to R
4 5 6Step Back on R, Turn ¼ L-Step L to L side, Rock R to R Side

S5: Left Sailor Step, Right Sailor Step 9:00
1 2 3Cross/Step L behind R, Step R to R, Replace L to L Side
4 5 6Cross/Step R behind L, Step L to L Side, Replace R to R Side

S6: Step Behind, Step ¼ Fwd, Step Fwd, Step Fwd, Fwd L, ¼ Pivot Turn R 3:00
1 2 3Cross/Step L behind R, Turn ¼ R-Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L
4 5 6Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L, ¼ Pivot Turn R-wt on R

S7: Step Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep R with ¼ Turn R 6:00
1 2 3Cross/Step L over R, Step R to R, Cross/Step L behind R
4 5 6Sweep R from Front to Behind/Turning ¼ R to 6:00 (3 counts-wt on L)

S8: Step Back R, ½ Turn Fwd L, Fwd R, Fwd L, Step Fwd R, ½ Pivot Turn L to 6:00
1 2 3Step Back R, ½ Turn L-Step Fwd L 12:00, Step Fwd R
4 5 6Step Fwd L, Step Fwd R, ½ Pivot Turn to 6:00 wt on L

Note: End Of Walls One and Three, both times facing 6:00 Add the following 6 count Tag
1 2 3Right Cross Twinkle
4 5 6Left Cross Twinkle

Note: This dance was choreographed for our Christmas Social 2015, All the Colours Of The Christmas Rainbow….

Contact: 0412 723 326 -

Dewi November 19, 2015
Silver Bells of Christmas...sumps up all the happiness and the positive vibes in 2015. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of us !! xo

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