CopperKnob Stepsheets

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PMC Dirt (a.k.a Pullman City Dirt)

( 4 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Roy Hadisubroto (IRE), Jo Kinser (UK), John Kinser (UK) & Robert Hahn (DE) - October 2015
Kentucky Dirty - Laura Bell Bundy
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Start after 16 counts

Part A – 16 counts
A[1-8] Wizard Step, 1⁄2Turn Left With Tap Tap Stomp, Behind Side & Rock Step
1-2Step right forward to right diagonal, Step left (lock) behind right
&3Step right forward to right diagonal, step left forward to left diagonal
4&5Make a 1⁄4 turn left and tap ball of right foot to right side, make a 1/8 turn left and tap ball of right food to right side, make a 1/8 turn left with a step right to right side and lift left foot slightly up (end up facing 6:00)
6&Step left behind right, step right to right side
7-8Step left forward across right, recover weight back onto right

A[&9-16] Together, RockStep, Together, Step, 1⁄2 Swivel Turn Right, Coaster Step & Step, Drag
&1-2Step left next to right, step right forward across left, recover weight back onto left
&3Step right next to left, step left forward
4&5Make a 1⁄4 turn right and swivel both heels left, swivel both heels right, make a 1⁄4 turn right and swivel both heels left (end up facing 12:00, weight back onto left)
&6&Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward
7-8Step left forward, drag right next to left

Part B – 8 counts
B[1-8] Step Side, Together, Chasse With 1⁄4 Turn Right, Syncopated Rocks With 1⁄4 Turn Right
1-2Step right to right side, step left next to right
3&4Step right to right side, step left next to right, make a 1⁄4 right and step right forward
5&Step left forward, recover weight back onto right
6&Make a 1⁄4 turn right and step left back, recover weight forward onto right (end up facing 6:00)
7&Step left forward, recover weight back onto right
8Step left next to right

Part C – 36 counts
C[1-8] Walk, Walk, Kick Out Out, Toe Heel Hook Step Heel Toe Together
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3&4Kick right forward, step right to right side, step left to left side
5&6Swivel right toe in, swivel right heel in, hook right across left
&7&Step right to right side, swivel right heel out, swivel right toe out
8Step left next to right

C[9-16] Syncopated Monterey Turns & “PMC Dirt Steps”
1&Touch right to right side, make a 1⁄4 turn right and step right next to left
2&Touch left to left side, step left next to right (end up facing 3:00)
3&Touch right to right side, make a 1⁄4 turn right and step right next to left
4&Touch left to left side, step left next to right (end up facing 6:00)
5&Step right to right side, flick left behind right and slap left foot with left hand
6&Step left to left side, flick right behind right and slap right foot with right hand
7&Step right to right side and brush both Hands over your upper legs as you put dirt from your hands
8Close feet together and clap hands

C[17-24] Walk, Walk, Kick Out Out, Toe Heel Hook & Heel Toe Together,
Repeat steps 1-8 from Part C

C[25-32] Syncopated MontereyTurns&“PMCDirtSteps”
Repeat steps 9-16 from Part C

C[33-36] “PMC Dirt Steps”
Repeat steps 13-16 from Part C (last 4 counts off C)

Part D (starts facing 6:00) 20 counts
D[1-8] Walk, Walk, Mambo Step, Walk Back Back, Coaster Step
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3&4Step right forward, recover weight back onto left, step right back
5-6Step left back, step right back
7&8Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward

D[9-16] Cross Mambo Step, Jazz Box With 1⁄2 Turn Right
1&2Step right forward across left, step left to left side, recover weight onto right
3&4Step left forward across right, step right to right side, recover weight onto left
5-6 7-8Step right across left, make a 1⁄4 turn right and step left back Make a 1⁄4 turn right and step right forward, step left forward (end up facing 12:00)

D[17-20] Walk Around Full Turn Right
1-4Make a full turn right and walk r-l-r-l (end up facing 12:00)

Part C+4 (Ending)
When dancing Part C for the last time, you have to dance the last 4 counts of Part C once again to finish the dance.
[37-40] “PMCDirtSteps”&Pose
Repeat steps 13-16 from Part C (last 4 counts off C) and strike a pose!

Have Fun!!!

Jo, John, Roy &Robbie

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