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No Rights, No Wrongs

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Adrian Lefebour (AUS) - September 2015
No Rights No Wrongs - Jess Glynne : (Album: I Cry When I Laugh)
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Notes: 16 count intro from the start of the song.

[1-8] Step Across, Replace, Side Shuffle, Step Across (diagonal), Replace, Coaster Step
1,2Step R across L, Replace weight back on L (11.00)
3&4Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
5,6Step L fwd/across R, Replace weight back on R (done on the 45 degree) (1.00)
7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd (done on the 45 degree) (1.00)

[9-16] Step, 1/2 Pivot Turn, Shuffle Fwd, Full Turn, 1/8 Step Side, Replace
1,2Step R fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn L (weight on L) (done on the 45 degree) (1.00)
3&4Shuffle Fwd on R stepping R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd (7.00)
5,61/2 Turn R step L back, 1/2 Turn R step R fwd (7.00)
7,8Step L to L side (straighten up to the 9.00), Replace weight on R

[17-24] Step Across, Step Back, Back, Lock, Back, 1/4 Turn, Replace, Behind Side
1,2Step L across R, Step R back
3&4Step L back, Lock Step R over L, Step L back
5,6Make a 1/4 Turn R step R to R side, Replace weight on L (12.00)
7,8Step R behind L, Step L to L side

[25-32] Cross Samba, Cross Samba, Jazz Box
1&2Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R in place (weight on R)
3&4Step L across R, Step R to R side, Step L in place (weight on L)
5,6Step R over L, Step L back
7,8Step R next to L, Step L fwd (RESTART)

[33-40] Step Fwd, Replace, 1/2 Shuffle Fwd, Step Fwd, Replace, 3/4 Triple Step
1,2Step R fwd, Replace weight back on L
3&41/2 Turn R stepping R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd (6.00)
5,6Step L fwd, Replace weight back on R
7&83/4 Triple step over L on the spot stepping L R L (weight on L) (9.00)

[41-48] Step Across, Point, Step Across, Point, Step Across, Step Back, 1/2 Shuffle Fwd
1,2Step R across L, Point L toe to L side
3,4Step L across R, Point R toe to R side
5,6Step R across L, Step L back
7&81/2 Turn over R stepping R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd (3.00)

[49-56] Rocking Chair, Full Turn, 1/4 Paddle Turn
1,2,3,4Step L fwd, Replace weight back on R, Rock back on L, Replace weight fwd on R
5,61/2 Turn R step L back, 1/2 Turn R step R fwd (3.00)
7,8Step L fwd, 1/4 Paddle turn R (weight on R) (6.00)

[57-64] Cross Shuffle, 3/4 Turn, 1/4 Paddle Turn, Kick Ball Step
1&2Step L over R, Step R slightly to the R, Step L over R
3,41/4 Turn L Step R back, 1/2 Turn L Step L fwd (9.00)
5,6Step R fwd, 1/4 Paddle turn L (weight on L) (5.00)
7&8Kick R fwd on L diagonal, Step R next to L, Step L fwd (5.00)


RESTART: Wall 2 & Wall 5 – Dance to count 32 and then start again.
FINISH: Wall 8 – Dance right to the end to finish at the front wall.

Contact ~ Adrian Lefebour – 0412 207 745 -

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