CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hot Stuff (a.k.a Let's Dance)

( 2 Stimmen)
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Karen Morris (UK) - September 2015
Count in: 32 counts

[1 – 8] Walk R L, shuffle forward right, pivot ½ turn, shuffle ½ turn back
1, 2Walk forward right, left
3 & 4Step right forward, bring left next to right and step right forward
5, 6Step L forward and pivot ½ turn to right, stepping on R
7 & 8Make ½ turn right stepping left forward, step right next to left, step left back

[9 – 16] Rock step, shuffle forward, side hold, ball, side touch
9, 10Rock right foot back, recover on left
11 & 12Step right forward, bring left next to right and step right forward
13, 14Step L to L side as you push right hip out to the right, hold
& 15, 16Step R on ball next to L and push left hip out to the left, step L to side and push right hip out to the right, touch R next to L

[17 – 24] Point, flick, chasse, cross, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, chasse
17, 18Point R to right side, flick R behind L
19 & 20Step R to right side, bring L next to R and step R to right side
21, 22Cross L over R, turn ¼ turn L stepping back on R
23 & 24Turning ¼ turn left stepping L to left side, bring R up to L, step L to left side

[25 – 32] Cross step point, samba step (x2) – moving forward (not on the spot)
25, 26Cross R over L, point L to left side
27 & 28Step L forward, rock R to right side, recover on L
29, 30Cross R over L, point L to left side
31 & 32Step L forward, rock R to right side, recover on L

Restart/Tag happens here on wall 4, dance up to and including count 32 and then restart the dance (you will be facing the 12o/c wall)

[33 – 40] Rock steps x 3, back, ¼ turn left
33, 34Rock forward on R, recover on L
35, 36Rock back on R, recover on L
37, 38Rock forward on R, recover on L
39, 40Step back on R, ¼ turn left, stepping L to side

[41 – 48] Rock steps x 3, back, ½ turn left
41, 42Rock forward on R, recover on L
43, 44Rock back on R, recover on L
45, 46Rock forward on R, recover on L
47, 48Step back on R ½ turn left, stepping L forward

[49 – 56] Step, spiral, shuffle, kick, back, look back, recover
49, 50Step R forward, Spin full turn left on R foot
(Alternative steps 49,50: Step R forward, hitch L)
51 & 52Step L forward, bring R up to L, step L forward
53, 54Kick R forward, Step back on R
55, 56Open body to right and look behind (weight on R – ½ turn), recover weight on L facing back ½ turn to front)

[57 – 64] Turning Jazz Box (1/4), ball, point, reverse ½ turn, full turn
57, 58Cross R over L, step back on L
59, 60Turn ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, Cross L over R
& 61, 62Ball step on R to right side, point L behind, reverse ½ turn left (weight now on L)
63, 64Walking forward step R turning ½ turn left, and step L turning ½ turn left
(Alternative steps 63, 64: Walk forward R, walk forward L)

Restart: There is a Restart during the 4th wall (facing 12 o/c).
On this wall, dance the first 32 steps and then Restart the dance.

Ending: On wall 7 (12o/c), dance the first 39 steps, dance a ½ turn left for step 40 (instead of the ¼ turn left), followed by a step forward on the R to finish the dance at the 12o/c wall.


Last Update – 30th Sept 2015

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