CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Am Who I Am

( 11 Stimmen)
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High Intermediate
Julia Wetzel (USA) - August 2015
I Am Who I Am - Lara Fabian : (Album: Lara Fabian)
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Intro: 16 counts from start of heavy beat (approx. 20 seconds into track)
Note: -
When starting from 12:00 (Wall 1,3,5) - do 48 counts.
When starting from 6:00 (Wall 2,4) - do 40 counts. After Wall 5, do only 32 counts
Sequence: 48, 40, 48, 40, 48, 32, 32,...

[1 – 8] Out, Out, Knee In, Knee Out, Drag, ¼ Hitch, Step, Rock, Diag. Back, Touch
&1&2Step R to right side (&), Step L to left side (1), Swivel R knee in (&), Swivel R knee out (2) 12:00
3, 4Place weight on R drag L to R (3), ¼ Turn left on ball of R and hitch L into a figure 4 (4) 9:00
5, 6&7Step L fw (5), Rock R fw (6), Recover on L (&), Step R back to right side (right diag.) (7) 9:00
8Touch L next to R (8) 9:00

[9 – 16] Kick, Ball, Cross, ¼, ½ Out, Out, Shoulders R & L, Hip Roll, Touch
1&2Kick L fw (1), Step ball of L next to R (&), Cross R over L (2) 9:00
3&4¼ Turn right stepping back on L (3), ½ Turn right step R to right side (&), Step L to left side (4) 6:00
5, 6Push shoulder to right side (5), Push shoulder to left side (6) 6:00
7, 8Roll hip in a CCW circle over 2 counts ending with weight on L and R touching next to L (7-8)
Styling: On count 8, lower body slightly by bending both knees 6:00

[17 – 24] Back, Together, Step, ¼ Point & Point, Cross behind, ½ Unwind, ½ Shuffle
&1, 2Step back on ball of R (&), Step L next to R and rise up on balls of both feet (1), Step fw on R normally (2) 6:00
3&4¼ Turn right and point L to left side (3), Step L next to R (&), Point R to right side (4) 9:00
5, 6Cross R behind L (5), Unwind ½ turn right ending with weight on R (6) 3:00
7&8¼ Turn right step L to left side (7), Step R next to L (&), ¼ Turn right stepping back on L (8) 9:00

[25 – 32] ¼, ¼ Modified NC Basic L, R, L, ¼, ½
&1¼ Turn right step fw on R (&), ¼ Turn right stepping back on L to left side (left diag.) (1)
Styling: Allow your body to face the diag. as you step back on the diag. for these “Modified NC Basics” 3:00
2&3Close R behind L (2), Cross L over R (&), Step R back to right side (right diag.) (3) 3:00
4&5Close L behind R (4), Cross R over L (&), Step L back to left side (left diag.) (5) 3:00
6&7Close R behind L (6), Cross L over R (&), ¼ Turn left stepping back on R (7) 12:00
8½ Turn left step fw on L (8) 6:00
*Restart after here on Wall 6 & 7

[33 - 40] Shuffle, Step, Locking Step, Step, ½ Pivot, Walk, Walk
&1, 2Step R next to L (&), Step L fw (1), Step R fw (2) 6:00
3&4Step L fw (3), Lock R behind L (&), Step L fw (4) 6:00
5 - 8Step R fw (5), Pivot ½ turn left stepping fw on L (6), Step R fw (7), Step L fw (8) 12:00
*Restart after here on Wall 2 & 4, do ½ turn left to start Wall 3 & 5 at 12:00

[41 - 48] ½ Out, Out, Arms (Cross & Open), ¼ Sweep, Cross, ¼, Together, Walk, Walk
&1½ Turn left stepping back on R to right side (&), Step L to left side (1), 6:00
2Place weight on R and turn your upper body to face right diagonal. Cross your arms in front of you with closed fists (2) 6:00
3Place weight on L and turn your upper body to face left diagonal. Open your arms to the sides. (3)
(On Wall 5, open your hands with palms facing up on the word ”way”) 6:00
4¼ Turn right stepping fw on R while sweeping L from back to front (4)
(On Wall 1 & 3, open your hands with palms facing up on the word ”way”) 9:00
5, 6&Cross L over R (5), ¼ Turn left stepping back on R (6), Step L next to R (&) 6:00
7, 8Step R fw (7), Step L fw (8) 6:00

On Wall 2 & 4, dance up to Count 40 (Step L fw facing 6:00) then restart by making a ½ turn left stepping back on R to right side for the first “&” count of Wall 3 & 5 facing 12:00.
On Wall 6 & 7, dance up to Count 32 (½ Turn left step fw on L) then restart. Start Wall 7 facing 12:00 and Wall 8 facing 6:00.


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